Xnuspy - An iOS Kernel Function Hooking Framework For Checkra1N'Able Devices
Output from the kernel log after compiling and running example/open1_hook.c
xnuspy is a pongoOS module which installs a new system call, xnuspy_ctl
, allowing you to hook kernel functions from userspace. It supports iOS 13.x and 14.x on checkra1n 0.12.2 and up. 4K devices are not supported.
Requires libusb
: brew install libusb
Run make
in the top level directory. It'll build the loader and the module. If you want debug output from xnuspy to the kernel log, run XNUSPY_DEBUG=1 make
After you've built everything, have checkra1n boot your device to a pongo shell: /Applications/checkra1n.app/Contents/MacOS/checkra1n -p
In the same directory you built the loader and the module, do loader/loader module/xnuspy
. After doing that, xnuspy will do its thing and in a few seconds your device will boot. loader
will wait a couple more seconds after issuing xnuspy-getkernelv
in case SEPROM needs to be exploited.
Known Issues
Sometimes a couple of my phones would get stuck at "Booting" after checkra1n's KPF runs. I have yet to figure out what causes this, but if it happens, try again. Also, if the device hangs after bootx
, try again. Finally, marking the compiled xnuspy_ctl
code as executable on my iPhone X running iOS 13.3.1 is a bit spotty, but succeeds 100% of the time on my other phones. If you panic with a kernel instruction fetch abort when you execute your hook program, try again.
xnuspy will patch an enosys
system call to point to xnuspy_ctl_tramp
. This is a small trampoline which marks the compiled xnuspy_ctl
code as executable and branches to it. You can find xnuspy_ctl
's implementation at module/el1/xnuspy_ctl/xnuspy_ctl.c
and examples in the example
directory. That directory also contains xnuspy_ctl.h
, a header which defines constants for xnuspy_ctl
. It is meant to be included in all programs which call it.
You can use sysctlbyname
to figure out which system call was patched:
size_t oldlen = sizeof(long);
long SYS_xnuspy_ctl = 0;
sysctlbyname("kern.xnuspy_ctl_callnum", &SYS_xnuspy_ctl, &oldlen, NULL, 0);
This system call takes four arguments, flavor
, arg1
, arg2
, and arg3
. The flavor can either be XNUSPY_CHECK_IF_PATCHED
. The meaning of the next three arguments depend on the flavor.
This exists so you can check if xnuspy_ctl
is present. Invoking it with this flavor will cause it to return 999
. The values of the other arguments are ignored.
I designed this flavor to match MSHookFunction
's API. arg1
is the UNSLID address of the kernel function you wish to hook. If you supply a slid address, you will most likely panic. arg2
is a pointer to your ABI-compatible replacement function. arg3
is a pointer for xnuspy_ctl
to copyout
the address of a trampoline that represents the original kernel function. This can be NULL if you don't intend to call the original.
This flavor allows you to register an optional "death callback", a function xnuspy will call when your hook program exits. It gives you a chance to clean up anything you created from your kernel hooks. If you created any kernel threads, you would tell them to terminate in this function.
Your callback is not invoked asynchronously, so if you block, you're preventing xnuspy's garbage collection thread from executing.
is a pointer to your callback function. The values of the other arguments are ignored.
is a small assembly stub which xnuspy exports through the xnuspy cache for you to hook. Invoking xnuspy_ctl
with this flavor will cause hookme
to get called, providing a way for you to easily gain kernel code execution without having to hook an actual kernel function.
There are no arguments for this flavor.
This flavor gives you a way to read from the xnuspy cache. It contains many useful things like kprintf
, current_proc
, kernel_thread_start
, and the kernel slide so you don't have to find them yourself. For a complete list of cache IDs, check out example/xnuspy_ctl.h
is one of the cache IDs defined in xnuspy_ctl.h
and arg2
is a pointer for xnuspy_ctl
to copyout
the address or value of what you requested.
For all flavors except XNUSPY_CHECK_IF_PATCHED
, 0
is returned on success. Upon error, -1
is returned and errno
does not return any errors.
Errors Pertaining to
is set to...
if:- A hook already exists for the unslid kernel function denoted by
- A hook already exists for the unslid kernel function denoted by
if:- There are no free
structs or reflector pages. These data structures are internal to xnuspy. This should never happen unless you are hooking hundreds of kernel functions at the same time.
- There are no free
is not a pointer to the calling processes' Mach-O header.
was unable to find__TEXT
for the calling process.
did not return a memory entry for the entirety of the calling processes'__TEXT
also depends on the return value of vm_map_wire_external
, mach_vm_map_external
, copyin
, copyout
, and if applicable, the one-time initialization function. An errno
of 10000
represents a kern_return_t
value that I haven't yet taken into account for (and a message is printed to the kernel log about it if you compiled with XNUSPY_DEBUG=1
If this flavor returns an error, the target kernel function was not hooked. If you passed a non-NULL pointer for arg3
, it may or may not have been initialized. It's unsafe to use if it was.
Errors Pertaining to
is set to...
if:- The calling process hasn't hooked any kernel functions.
If this flavor returns an error, your death callback was not registered.
Errors Pertaining to
is set to...
is too far away from the page ofxnuspy_tramp
structures. This is determined inside of pongoOS, and can only happen if xnuspy had to fallback to unused code already inside of the kernelcache. In this case, callinghookme
would almost certainly cause a kernel panic, and you'll have to figure out another kernel function to hook.
If this flavor returns an error, hookme
was not called.
Errors Pertaining to
is set to...
if:- The constant denoted by
does not represent anything in the cache. arg1
, but the kernel is iOS 13.x.arg1
, but the kernel is iOS 14.x.arg1
, but the kernel is iOS 13.x.arg1
, but the kernel is iOS 14.x.
- The constant denoted by
also depends on the return value of copyout
and if applicable, the return value of the one-time initialization function.
If this flavor returns an error, the pointer you passed for arg2
was not initialized.
Important Information
Common Pitfalls
While writing replacement functions, it was easy to forget that I was writing kernel code. Here's a couple things to keep in mind when you're writing hooks:
- You cannot execute any userspace code that lives outside your program's
segment. You will panic if, for example, you accidentally callprintf
instead ofkprintf
. You need to re-implement any libc function you wish to call. You can create function pointers to other kernel functions and call those, though. - Many macros commonly used in userspace code are unsafe for the kernel. For example,
expands tovm_page_size
, not a constant. You need to disable PAN (on A10+, which I also don't recommend doing) before reading this variable or you will panic. - Just to be safe, don't compile your hook programs with compiler optimizations.
Skimming https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Darwin/Conceptual/KernelProgramming/style/style.html is also recommended.
For some reason, logs from os_log_with_args
don't show up in the stream outputted from the command line tool oslog
. Logs from kprintf
don't make it there either, but they can be seen with dmesg
. However, dmesg
isn't a live feed, so I wrote klog
, a tool which shows kprintf
logs in real time. Find it in klog/
. I strongly recommend using that instead of spamming dmesg
for your kprintf
Debugging Kernel Panics
Bugs are inevitable when writing code, so eventually you're going to cause a kernel panic. A panic doesn't necessarily mean there's a bug with xnuspy, so before opening an issue, please make sure that you still panic when you do nothing but call the original function and return its value (if needed). If you still panic, then it's likely an xnuspy bug (and please open an issue), but if not, there's something wrong with your replacement.
Since xnuspy does not actually redirect execution to EL0 pages, debugging a panic isn't as straightforward. Open up module/el1/xnuspy_ctl/xnuspy_ctl.c
, and right before the only call to kwrite_instr
in xnuspy_install_hook
, add a call to IOSleep
for a couple seconds. This is done to make sure there's enough time before the device panics for logs to propagate. Re-compile xnuspy with XNUSPY_DEBUG=1 make -B
and load the module again. After loading the module, if you haven't already, compile klog
from klog/
. Upload it to your device and do stdbuf -o0 ./klog | grep shared_mapping_kva
. Run your hook program again and watch for a line from klog
that looks like this:
shared_mapping_kva: dist 0x780c replacement 0x100cd780c umh 0x100cd0000 kmh 0xfffffff0311c0000
If you're installing more than one hook, there will be more than one occurrence. In that case, dist
and replacement
will vary, but umh
and kmh
won't. kmh
points to the beginning of the kernel's mapping of your program's __TEXT
segment. Throw your hook program into your favorite disassembler and rebase it so its Mach-O header is at the address of kmh
. For IDA Pro, that's Edit -> Segments -> Rebase program...
with Image base
bubbled. After your device panics and reboots again, if there are addresses which correspond to the kernel's mapping of your replacement in the panic log, they will match up with the disassembly. If there are none, then you probably have some sort of subtle memory corruption inside your replacement.
Hook Uninstallation
xnuspy will manage this for you. Once a process exits, all the kernel hooks that were installed by that process are uninstalled within a second or so.
Hookable Kernel Functions
Most function hooking frameworks have some minimum length that makes a given function hookable. xnuspy has this limit only if you plan to call the original function and the first instruction of the hooked function is not B
. In this case, the minimum length is eight bytes. Otherwise, there is no minimum length.
xnuspy uses X16
and X17
for its trampolines, so kernel functions which expect those to persist across function calls cannot be hooked (there aren't many which expect this). If the function you want to hook begins with BL
, and you intend to call the original, you can only do so if executing the original function does not modify X17
will perform one-time initialization the first time it is called after a fresh boot. This is the only part of xnuspy which is raceable since I can't statically initialize the read/write lock I use. After the first call returns, any future calls are guarenteed to be thread-safe.
How It Works
This is simplified, but it captures the main idea well. A function hook in xnuspy is a structure that resides on writeable, executable kernel memory. In most cases, this is memory returned by alloc_static
inside of pongoOS. It can be boiled down to this:
struct {
uint64_t replacement;
uint32_t tramp[2];
uint32_t orig[10];
Where replacement
is the kernel virtual address (elaborated on later) of the replacement function, tramp
is a small trampoline that re-directs execution to replacement
, and orig
is a larger, more complicated trampoline that represents the original function.
Before a function is hooked, xnuspy creates a shared user-kernel mapping of the calling processes' __TEXT
and __DATA
segments (as well as any segment in between those, if any). __TEXT
is shared so you can call other functions from your hooks. __DATA
is shared so changes to global variables are seen by both EL1 and EL0. This is done only once per process.
Since this mapping is a one-to-one copy of __TEXT
and __DATA
, it's easy to figure out the address of the user's replacement function on it. Given the address of the calling processes' Mach-O header u
, the address of the start of the shared mapping k
, and the address of the user's replacement function r
, we apply the following formula: replacement = k + (r - u)
After that, replacement
is the kernel virtual address of the user's replacement function on the shared mapping and it is written to the function hook structure. xnuspy does not re-direct execution to the EL0 address of the replacement function because that's extremely unsafe: not only does that put us at the mercy of the scheduler, it gives us no control over the scenario where a process with a kernel hook dies while a kernel thread is still executing on the replacement.
Finally, the shared mapping is marked as executable* and a unconditional immediate branch (B
) is assembled. It directs execution to the start of tramp
, and is what replaces the first instruction of the now-hooked kernel function. Unfortunately, this limits us from branching to hook structures more than 128 MB away from a given kernel function. xnuspy does check for this scenario before booting and falls back to unused code already in the kernelcache for the hook structures to reside on instead if it finds that this could happen.
*not exactly what happens, what actually happens produces that effect
Device Security
This module completely neuters KTRR/AMCC lockdown and KPP. I don't recommend using this on a daily driver.
Other Notes
I do my best to make sure the patchfinders work, so if something isn't working please open an issue.