Lil-Pwny - Auditing Active Directory Passwords Using Multiprocessing In Python
A multiprocessing approach to auditing Active Directory passwords using Python.
About Lil Pwny
Lil Pwny is a Python application to perform an offline audit of NTLM hashes of users' passwords, recovered from Active Directory, against known compromised passwords from Have I Been Pwned. The usernames of any accounts matching HIBP will be returned in a .txt file
There are also additional features:
- Ability to provide a list of your own passwords to check AD users against. This allows you to check user passwords against passwords relevant to your organisation that you suspect people might be using. These are NTLM hashed, and AD hashes are then compared with this as well as the HIBP hashes.
- Return a list of accounts using the same passwords. Useful for finding users using the same password for their administrative and standard accounts.
More information about Lil Pwny can be found on my blog
This application was developed to ideally run on high resource infrastructure to make the most of Python multiprocessing. It will run on desktop level hardware, but the more cores you use, the faster the audit will run.
Install via pip
pip install lil-pwny
Lil-pwny will be installed as a global command, use as follows:
usage: lil-pwny [-h] -hibp HIBP [-a A] -ad AD_HASHES [-d] [-m] [-o OUTPUT]
optional arguments:
-hibp, --hibp-path The HIBP .txt file of NTLM hashes
-a, --a .txt file containing additional passwords to check for
-ad, --ad-hashes The NTLM hashes from of AD users
-d, --find-duplicates Output a list of duplicate password users
-m, --memory Load HIBP hash list into memory (over 24GB RAM
-o, --out-path Set output path. Uses working dir when not set
lil-pwny -hibp ~/hibp_hashes.txt -ad ~/ad_ntlm_hashes.txt -a ~/additional_passwords.txt -o ~/Desktop/Output -m -d
use of the -m
flag will load the HIBP hashes into memory, which will allow for faster searching. Note this will require at least 24GB of available memory.
Getting input files
Step 1: Get an IFM AD database dump
On a domain controller use ntdsutil
to generate an IFM dump of your AD domain. Run the following in an elevated PowerShell window:
activate instance ntds
create full **output path**
Step 2: Recover NTLM hashes from this output
To recover the NTLM hashes from the AD IFM data, the Powershell module DSInternals is required.
Once installed, use the SYSTEM hive in the IFM data to recover the hashes in the format usernme:hash
and save them to the file ad_ntlm_hashes.txt
$bootKey = Get-BootKey -SystemHivePath '.\registry\SYSTEM'
Get-ADDBAccount -All -DBPath '.\Active Directory\ntds.dit' -BootKey $bootKey | Format-Custom -View HashcatNT | Out-File ad_ntlm_hashes.txt -Encoding ASCII
Step 3: Download the latest HIBP hash file
The file can be downloaded from here
The latest version of the hash file contains around 551 million hashes.