Lk Scraper - An Fully Configurable Linkedin Scrape (Scrape Anything Within Linkedin)
$ pip install git+git://
Using Docker compose
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose run lk_scraper python3
Using Docker only for selenium server
First, you need to run a selenium server
$ docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --shm-size 2g selenium/standalone-firefox:3.141.59-20200326
Retrieving Cookie
Navigate to and log in
Open up the browser developer tools (Ctrl-Shift-I or right click -> inspect element)
Select the Application tab
Under the Storage header on the left-hand menu, click the Cookies dropdown and select
Find the li_at cookie, and double click the value to select it before copying
Select Storage tab
Click the Cookies dropdown and select
Find and copy the li_at value
Setting up the cookie
Method 1 : Setting the cookie in the config file
You can add your linkedin li_at cookie in the config file that is located in your home (~/.lk_scraper/config.yml) see
Method 2 : Setting the cookie at the Scraper level
from lk_scraper import Scraper
li_at = "My_super_linkedin_cookie"
scraper = Scraper(li_at=li_at)
Method 3 : Using Variable Environment
(Not implemented Yet)
$ export LI_AT="My_super_linkedin_cookie"
A full working example
run the jupyter notebook linkedin-example.ipynb
from lk_scraper import Scraper
scraper = Scraper()
Company Scraping
from lk_scraper import Scraper
scraper = Scraper()
company = scraper.get_object(object_name='company', object_id='apple')
Profil Scraping
from lk_scraper import Scraper
scraper = Scraper()
profil = scraper.get_object(object_name='profil', object_id='jlqueguiner')
Lk Scraper - An Fully Configurable Linkedin Scrape (Scrape Anything Within Linkedin)
Reviewed by Zion3R
8:30 AM