FireProx - AWS API Gateway Management Tool For Creating On The Fly HTTP Pass-Through Proxies For Unique IP Rotation
Being able to hide or continually rotate the source IP address when making web calls can be difficult or expensive. A number of tools have existed for some time but they were either limited with the number of IP addresses, were expensive, or required deployment of lots of VPS's. FireProx leverages the AWS API Gateway to create pass-through proxies that rotate the source IP address with every request! Use FireProx to create a proxy URL that points to a destination server and then make web requests to the proxy URL which returns the destination server response!
- Follow me on Twitter for more tips, tricks, and tools (or just to say hi)! (Mike Felch - @ustayready)
- Rotates IP address with every request
- Configure separate regions
- All HTTP methods supported
- All parameters and URI's are passed through
- Create, delete, list, or update proxies
- Spoof X-Forwarded-For source IP header by requesting with an X-My-X-Forwarded-For header
Basic Usage
Requires AWS access key and secret access key or aws cli configured
usage: [-h] [--access_key ACCESS_KEY] [--secret_access_key SECRET_ACCESS_KEY] [--region REGION] [--command COMMAND] [--api_id API_ID] [--url URL]
FireProx API Gateway Manager
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--access_key ACCESS_KEY
AWS Access Key
--secret_access_key SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
AWS Secret Access Key
--region REGION AWS Region
--command COMMAND Commands: list, create, delete, update
--api_id API_ID API ID
--url URL URL end-point
- Examples
- examples/ Use a FireProx proxy to scrape Google search.
- examples/ Use a FireProx proxy to scrape Bing search.
You can install and run with the following command:
$ git clone
$ cd fireprox
~/fireprox$ virtualenv -p python3 .
~/fireprox$ source bin/activate
(fireprox) ~/fireprox$ pip install -r requirements.txt
(fireprox) ~/fireprox$ python
Building a Docker image: (Currently does not work on Docker for Windows, possibly due to line endings in
$ git clone
$ cd fireprox
$ docker build -t fireprox .
$ docker run --rm -it fireprox -h
FireProx - AWS API Gateway Management Tool For Creating On The Fly HTTP Pass-Through Proxies For Unique IP Rotation
Reviewed by Zion3R
9:11 AM