Unicorn-Bios - Basic BIOS Emulator For Unicorn Engine
Basic BIOS emulator/debugger for Unicorn Engine.
Written to debug the XEOS Operating System boot sequence.
Usage: unicorn-bios [OPTIONS] BOOT_IMG
--help / -h: Displays help.
--memory / -m: The amount of memory to allocate for the virtual machine
(in megabytes). Defaults to 64MB, minimum 2MB.
--break / -b Breaks on a specific address.
--break-int: Breaks on interrupt calls.
--break-iret: Breaks on interrupt returns.
--trap: Raises a trap when breaking.
--debug-video: Turns on debug output for video services.
--single-step: Breaks on every instruction.
--no-ui: Don't start the user interface (output will be displayed to stdout, debug info to stderr).
--no-colors: Don't use colors.
brew install --HEAD macmade/tap/unicorn-bios
Repository Infos
Owner: Jean-David Gadina - XS-Labs
Web: www.xs-labs.com
Blog: www.noxeos.com
Twitter: @macmade
GitHub: github.com/macmade
LinkedIn: ch.linkedin.com/in/macmade/
StackOverflow: stackoverflow.com/users/182676/macmade
Unicorn-Bios - Basic BIOS Emulator For Unicorn Engine
Reviewed by Zion3R
9:29 AM