IoT-Implant-Toolkit - Toolkit For Implant Attack Of IoT Devices
In our research, we have succcessfully implanted Trojans in eight devices including smart speakers, cameras, driving recorders and mobile translators with IoT-Implant-Toolkit.
A demo video below:
How to use
Make sure you have git, python3 and setuptools installed.
For audio processing and playing, you should install alsa(built-in in linux), sox and ffplay. On ubuntu18.04:
$ sudo apt install sox ffmpeg
$ git clone
$ cd IoT-Implant-Toolkit/
$ python3 install
Run the toolkit:
$ python3 -B
_____ _______ _____ _ _ _______ _ _ _ _
|_ _| |__ __| |_ _| | | | | |__ __| | | | (_) |
| | ___ | |______| | _ __ ___ _ __ | | __ _ _ __ | |_ ______| | ___ ___ | | | ___| |_
| | / _ \| |______| | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _` | '_ \| __|______| |/ _ \ / _ \| | |/ / | __|
_| || (_) | | _| |_| | | | | | |_) | | (_| | | | | |_ | | (_) | (_) | | <| | |_
|_____\___/|_| |_____|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\__,_|_| |_|\__| |_|\___/ \___/|_|_|\_\_|\__|
| |
A Framework for IoT implantation research.
by Marvel Team
list - List all tools
run - Run a specific tool
exit - Exit
list: list all plugins
run: run a specific plugin with "run [plugin] [parameters]"
exit: exit
Each software tool acts as a plugin which can be easily added into the framework.
There are more than ten plugins in four categories, including topics on serial port debugging, firmware pack&unpack, software analysis, and implanted spy programs.
List of Plugins
Existing plugins in our framework:
Categories | Tools | Descriptions | Reference |
Serial port debugging | pyserial | modem control and terminal emulation program | |
Serial port debugging | | find correct baudrate | |
Firmware Pack&Unpack | mksquashfs | create and extract Squashfs filesystem | |
Firmware Pack&Unpack | mkbootimg_tools | Unpack&repack boot.img for Android | |
Firmware Pack&Unpack | cramfs | make cramfs filesystem | |
Firmware Pack&Unpack | mountimg | mount&unmount ext4 filesystems for Android system.img&data.img | On our github |
Software Analysis | setools-android | setools for Android with sepolicy-inject | |
Software Analysis | crosscomplie | crosscompile toolchain for arm | on our Github later |
Software Analysis | odex unpack | Odex to smali for Android | on our Github |
Binary implant | spy client&server | a stable spy client and server, source and pre-built bins | on our Github |
Binary implant | denoise tool | denoise tool for audio porcess | on our Github |
Create new plugins
Code structure: #Startup script
--outputs/ #Default folder of outputs
|---basic/ #Basic plugin class defination
|---cli/ #Shell-like cli defination
|---toollist/ #Auto updating toollist of plugins
|---firmware/ #Plugins for firmware modification
|---implant/ #Plugins for generate spy programs
|---serialport/ #Plugins for serial port debugging
|---software/ #Plugins for software analysis especially for Android
|---tools/ #Other tools
Other tools
Hardware tools
Essential hardware tools for malware implantation research.See pictures in HardwareTools/ .
Name | Description |
Soldering Iron | Solder tools |
Solder Wire | Solder tools |
Solder Paste | Solder tools |
Solder Wick | Solder tools |
Hot Air Gun | Solder tools |
Reballing Tool | Reballing tool |
usb to ttl | Debug / Console cable |
Dupont Wire | Electrical wire |
EPROM Burner Programmer | Burner Programmer |
Other useful software tools
We have not added more plugins due to time limitation.
Chart below are tools not fits our framework, but may be useful.
We hope that IoT-Implant-Tookit will be an essential toolkit in malware implantation.
Categories | Tools | Descriptions | Reference |
Firmware Analysis | binwalk | a fast, easy to use tool for analyzing, reverse engineering, and extracting firmware images | |
Firmware Modify | firmware mod kit | a collection of scripts and utilities to extract and rebuild linux based firmware images | |
Cross Compiler | buildroot | Cross Compiler for arm mips powerpc | |
IoT-Implant-Toolkit - Toolkit For Implant Attack Of IoT Devices
Reviewed by Zion3R
6:30 PM