Seccubus - Easy Automated Vulnerability Scanning, Reporting And Analysis
Seccubus automates regular vulnerability scans with various tools and aids security people in the fast analysis of its output, both on the first scan and on repeated scans.
On repeated scan delta reporting ensures that findings only need to be judged when they first appear in the scan results or when their output changes.
Seccubus 2.x is the only actively developed and maintained branch and all support for Seccubus V1 has officially been dropped.
Seccubus V2 works with the following scanners:
- Nessus
- OpenVAS
- Skipfish
- Medusa (local and remote)
- Nikto (local and remote)
- NMap (local and remote)
- OWASP-ZAP (local and remote)
- SSLyze
- Medusa
- Qualys SSL labs
- (local and remote)
Default password, changinge it!!!!!
After installation the default username and paswword for seccubus is:
admin / GiveMeVulns!
It is highly recommended you change this after installation./bin/seccubus_passwd -u admin
Change log
Changes of this branch vs the latest/previous release
x-x-2019 - v2.53 Development release
This is work in progress
Differences with 2.52
Seccubus - Easy Automated Vulnerability Scanning, Reporting And Analysis
Reviewed by Zion3R
6:12 PM