Rustbuster - DirBuster For Rust
DirBuster for Rust.
There are three modules currently implemented:
- Dirbuster (default)
rustbuster -m dir -u http://localhost:3000/ -w examples/wordlist -e php
- Dnsbuster
rustbuster -m dns -u -w examples/wordlist
- Vhostbuster
rustbuster -m vhost -u http://localhost:3000/ -w examples/wordlist -d test.local -x "Hello"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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~ rustbuster v. 1.2.0 ~ by phra & ps1dr3x ~
rustbuster [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --url <url> --wordlist <wordlist>
-f, --append-slash Tries to also append / to the base request
-K, --exit-on-error Exits on connection errors
-h, --help Prints help information
-k, --ignore-certificate Disables TLS certificate validation
--no-banner Skips initial banner
--no-progress-bar Disables the progress bar
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Sets the level of verbosity
-d, --domain <domain> Uses the specified domain
-e, --extensions <extensions> Sets the extensions [default: ]
-b, --http-body <http-body> Uses the specified HTTP method [default: ]
-H, --http-header <http-header>... Appends the specified HTTP header
-X, --http-method <http-method> Uses the specified HTTP method [default: GET]
-S, --ignore-status-codes <ignore-status-codes> Sets the list of status codes to ignore [default: 404]
-x, --ignore-string <ignore-string>... Ignores results with specified string in vhost mode
-s, --include-status-cod es <include-status-codes> Sets the list of status codes to include [default: ]
-m, --mode <mode> Sets the mode of operation (dir, dns, fuzz) [default: dir]
-o, --output <output> Saves the results in the specified file [default: ]
-t, --threads <threads> Sets the amount of concurrent requests [default: 10]
-u, --url <url> Sets the target URL
-a, --user-agent <user-agent> Uses the specified User-Agent [default: rustbuster]
-w, --wordlist <wordlist> Sets the wordlist
Rustbuster - DirBuster For Rust
Reviewed by Zion3R
9:09 AM