LOLBAS - Living Off The Land Binaries And Scripts (LOLBins And LOLScripts)
The goal of the LOLBAS project is to document every binary, script, and library that can be used for Living Off The Land techniques.
All the different files can be found behind a fancy frontend here: (thanks @ConsciousHacker for this bit of eyecandy and the team over at This repo serves as a place where we maintain the YML files that are used by the fancy frontend.
A LOLBin/Lib/Script must:
- Be a Microsoft-signed file, either native to the OS or downloaded from Microsoft.
- Have extra "unexpected" functionality. It is not interesting to document intended use cases.
- Exceptions are application whitelisting bypasses
- Have functionality that would be useful to an APT or red team
- Executing code
- Arbitrary code execution
- Pass-through execution of other programs (unsigned) or scripts (via a LOLBin)
- Compiling code
- File operations
- Downloading
- Upload
- Copy
- Persistence
- Pass-through persistence utilizing existing LOLBin
- Persistence (e.g. hide data in ADS, execute at logon)
- UAC bypass
- Credential theft
- Dumping process memory
- Surveillance (e.g. keylogger, network trace)
- Log evasion/modification
- DLL side-loading/hijacking without being relocated elsewhere in the filesystem.
The History of the LOLBin
The phrase "Living off the land" was coined by Christopher Campbell (@obscuresec) & Matt Graeber (@mattifestation) at DerbyCon 3.
The term LOLBins came from a Twitter discussion on what to call binaries that can be used by an attacker to perform actions beyond their original purpose. Philip Goh (@MathCasualty) proposed LOLBins. A highly scientific internet poll ensued, and after a general consensus (69%) was reached, the name was made official. Jimmy (@bohops) followed up with LOLScripts. No poll was taken.
Common hashtags for these files are:
- #LOLBin
- #LOLBins
- #LOLScript
- #LOLScripts
- #LOLLib
- #LOLLibs
LOLBAS - Living Off The Land Binaries And Scripts (LOLBins And LOLScripts)
Reviewed by Zion3R
9:38 AM