Triton - Dynamic Binary Analysis (DBA) Framework
Based on these components, you are able to build program analysis tools, automate reverse engineering and perform software verification. As Triton is still a young project, please, don't blame us if it is not yet reliable. Open issues or pull requests are always better than troll =).
A full documentation is available on our doxygen page.
Quick start
Internal documentation
- Dynamic Symbolic Execution
- Symbolic Execution Optimizations
- AST Representations of Semantics
- SMT Semantics Supported
- SMT Solver Interface
- SMT Simplification Passes
- Spread Taint
- Tracer Independent
- Python Bindings
A blog is available and you can follow us on twitter @qb_triton or via our RSS feed.
- IRC: #qb_triton@freenode
- Mail: triton at quarkslab com
- Jonathan Salwan - Lead dev, Quarkslab
- Pierrick Brunet - Core dev, Quarkslab
- Florent Saudel - Core dev, Bordeaux University
- Romain Thomas - Core dev, Quarkslab
Triton - Dynamic Binary Analysis (DBA) Framework
Reviewed by Zion3R
9:04 AM