MalScan - A Simple PE File Heuristics Scanners

MalScan is a simple PE File Heuristics Scanners written in python that you can use to quickly analyze a PE file and find out whether anything suspicious exists. It is a simple tool so doesn't offers much fancy features. You are free to extend it or do whatever you want with it.

Things Supported
  • Information About file such as MD5, SHA1, Timestamp
  • PEiD Signature Check
  • Custom Yara Rules Integration
  • Section, Imports, Exports, Resources and TLS Callbacks Overview
  • Provides some custom heuristics :-)

You need to have Python 2.7 installed on your machine. The additional requirement is yara-python.
git clone .
cd MalScan

Simply run with the name of file you want to check.

MalScan - A Simple PE File Heuristics Scanners MalScan - A Simple PE File Heuristics Scanners Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:43 PM Rating: 5

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