Webscreenshot - A Simple Script To Screenshot A List Of Websites
A simple script to screenshot a list of websites, based on the
phantomjs script.Features
- Integrating url-to-image 'lazy-rendering' for AJAX resources
- Fully functional on Windows and Linux systems
- Cookie and custom HTTP header definition support
- Multiprocessing and killing of unresponding processes after a user-definable timeout
- Accepts several format as input target
- Maps useful options of phantomjs such as ignoring ssl error, proxy definition and proxy authentication, HTTP Basic Authentication
Put your targets in a text file and pass it to the script (
).Screenshots will be available in your current
directory (default).Accepted input formats are the following:
$ python webscreenshot.py -h
Usage: webscreenshot.py [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Main parameters:
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
<INPUT_FILE>: text file containing the target list.
Ex: list.txt
<OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> (optional): screenshots output
directory (default './screenshots/')
-w WORKERS, --workers=WORKERS
<WORKERS> (optional): number of parallel execution
workers (default 2)
-v, --verbosity <VERBOSITY> (optional): verbosity level, repeat it to
increase the level { -v INFO, -vv DEBUG } (default
verbosity ERROR)
Input processing parameters:
-p PORT, --port=PORT
<PORT> (optional): use the specified port for each
target in the input list. Ex: -p 80
-s, --ssl <SSL> (optional): enforce ssl for every connection
-m, --multiprotocol
<MULTIPROTOCOL> (optional): perform screenshots over
HTTP and HTTPS for each target
HTTP parameters:
-c COOKIE, --cookie=COOKIE
<COOKIE_STRING> (optional): cookie string to add. Ex:
-a HEADER, --header=HEADER
<HEADER> (optional): custom or additional header.
Repeat this option for every header. Ex: -a "Host:
localhost" -a "Foo: bar"
<HTTP_USERNAME> (optional): specify a username for
HTTP Basic Authentication.
<HTTP_PASSWORD> (optional): specify a password for
HTTP Basic Authentication.
Connection parameters:
-P PROXY, --proxy=PROXY
<PROXY> (optional): specify a proxy. Ex: -P
-A PROXY_AUTH, --proxy-auth=PROXY_AUTH
<PROXY_AUTH> (optional): provides authentication
information for the proxy. Ex: -A user:password
-T PROXY_TYPE, --proxy-type=PROXY_TYPE
<PROXY_TYPE> (optional): specifies the proxy type,
"http" (default), "none" (disable completely), or
"socks5". Ex: -T socks
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
<TIMEOUT> (optional): phantomjs execution timeout in
seconds (default 30 sec)
Default execution
$ python webscreenshot.py -i list.txt
webscreenshot.py version 1.0
[+] 4 URLs to be screenshot
[+] 4 actual URLs screenshot
[+] 0 errors
Increasing verbosity level execution
$ python webscreenshot.py -i list.txt -v
webscreenshot.py version 1.1
[INFO][General] 'http://google.fr' has been formatted as 'http://google.fr:80' with supplied overriding options
[INFO][General] '' has been formatted as '' with supplied overriding options
[INFO][General] '' has been formatted as '' with supplied overriding options
[INFO][General] 'https://duckduckgo.com/robots.txt' has been formatted as 'https://duckduckgo.com:443/robots.txt' with supplied overriding options
[+] 4 URLs to be screenshot
[INFO][] Screenshot OK
[INFO][] Screenshot OK
[INFO][http://google.fr:80] Screenshot OK
[INFO][https://duckduckgo.com:443/robots.txt] Screenshot OK
[+] 4 actual URLs screenshot
[+] 0 errors
$ ls -l screenshots/
total 61
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35005 Jan 12 19:46 http___173.194.67.113_80.png
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 38152 Jan 12 19:46 http___google.fr_80.png
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35005 Jan 12 19:46 https___173.194.67.113_443.png
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12828 Jan 12 19:46 https___duckduckgo.com_443_robots.txt.png
- Python 2.7
- webscreenshot python script:
- The easiest way to setup it:
pip install webscreenshot
and then directly use$ webscreenshot
- Or git clone that repository
- The easiest way to setup it:
- Phantomjs > 2.x : follow the installation guide and check the FAQ if necessary
- version 2.1 - 01/14/2018: Multiprotocol option addition and PyPI packaging
- version 2.0 - 03/08/2017: Adding proxy-type option
- version 1.9 - 01/10/2017: Using ALL SSL/TLS ciphers
- version 1.8 - 07/05/2015: Option groups definition
- version 1.7 - 06/28/2015: HTTP basic authentication support + loglevel option changed to verbosity
- version 1.6 - 04/23/2015: Transparent background fix
- version 1.5 - 01/11/2015: Cookie and custom HTTP header support
- version 1.4 - 10/12/2014: url-to-image phantomjs script integration + few bugs corrected
- version 1.3 - 08/05/2014: Windows support + few bugs corrected
- version 1.2 - 04/27/2014: few bugs corrected
- version 1.1 - 04/21/2014: Changed the script to use phantomjs instead of the buggy wkhtml binary
- version 1.0 - 01/12/2014: Initial commit
- Thomas Debize < tdebize at mail d0t com >
Webscreenshot - A Simple Script To Screenshot A List Of Websites
Reviewed by Zion3R
9:49 AM