Linkedin2Username - Generate Username Lists For Companies On LinkedIn (OSINT Tool)

OSINT Tool: Generate username lists from companies on LinkedIn. Works with Python2.
This is a pure web-scraper, no API key required. You use your valid LinkedIn username and password to login, it will create several lists of possible username formats for all employees of a company you point it at.
Use an account with a lot of connections, otherwise you'll get crappy results.
Here's what you get:
  • first.last.txt: Usernames like Joe.Schmoe
  • flast.txt: Usernames like JSchmoe
  • firstl.txt: Usernames like JoeS
  • rawnames.txt: Full name like Joe Schmoe
Optionally, the tool will append to the usernames.

You'll need to provide the tool with LinkedIn's company name. You can find that by looking at the URL for the company's page. It should look something like It may or may not be as simple as the exact name of the company.
Here's an example to pull all employees of Uber:
$ python [email protected] uber-com
Here's an example to pull a shorter list and append the domain name to them:
$ python [email protected] uber-com -d 5 -n ''

Full Help
usage: [-h] [-p PASSWORD] [-n DOMAIN] [-d DEPTH]
                            [-s SLEEP]
                            username company

positional arguments:
  username              A valid LinkedIn username.
  company               Company name.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Specify your password on in clear-text on the command
                        line. If not specified, will prompt and not display on
  -n DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                        Append a domain name to username output. [example: '-n
              ' would ouput [email protected]]
  -d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH
                        Search depth. If unset, will try to grab them all.
  -s SLEEP, --sleep SLEEP
                        Seconds to sleep between pages. defaults to 3.

Sometimes LinkedIn does weird stuff or returns weird results. Sometimes it doesn't like you logging in from new locations. If something looks off, run the tool once or twice more. If it still isn't working, please open an issue.

Linkedin2Username - Generate Username Lists For Companies On LinkedIn (OSINT Tool) Linkedin2Username - Generate Username Lists For Companies On LinkedIn (OSINT Tool) Reviewed by Zion3R on 10:12 AM Rating: 5