GOWPT - Go Web Application Penetration Test
GOWPT is the younger brother of wfuzz a swiss army knife of WAPT, it allow pentester to perform huge activity with no stress at all, just configure it and it's just a matter of clicks.
How to install
To install
just type:make
sudo make install
From the
menuUsage of gowpt:
-H value
A list of additional headers
-a string
Basic authentication (user:password)
-c string
A list of cookies
-d string
POST data for request
-e string
A list of comma separated encoders (default "plain")
-f string
Filter the results
Get the request via a proxy server
Use the built-in fuzzer
-p string
Use upstream proxy
-t string
Template for request
-threads int
Number of threads (default 10)
-u string
URL to fuzz
-w string
Wordlist file
-x string
Extension file example.js
ExamplesScan http://www.example.com and filter all
200 OK
requestsgowpt -u "http://www.example.com/FUZZ" -w wordlist/general/common.txt -f "code == 200"
Scan http://www.example.com fuzzing vuln
GET parameter looking for XSS (assume it had 200 tag with a legit request)gowpt -u "http://www.example.com/?vuln=FUZZ" -w wordlist/Injections/XSS.txt -f "tags > 200"
Scan http://www.example.com fuzzing vuln
POST parameter looking for XSS (assume it had 200 tag with a legit request)gowpt -u "http://www.example.com/" -d "vuln=FUZZ" -w wordlist/Injections/XSS.txt -f "tags > 200"
Scan auth protected http://www.example.com and filter all 200 OK
requestsgowpt -u "http://www.example.com/FUZZ" -w wordlist/general/common.txt -f "code == 200" -a "user:password"
Scan http://www.example.com adding header Hello: world
and filter all 200 OK
requestsgowpt -u "http://www.example.com/FUZZ" -w wordlist/general/common.txt -f "code == 200" -H "Hello: world"
Scan http://www.example.com using basic auth with user/pass guest:guest
gowpt -u "http://www.example.com/FUZZ" -w wordlist/general/common.txt -a "guest:guest"
Scan http://www.example.com adding an extensiongowpt -u "http://www.example.com/FUZZ" -w wordlist/general/common.txt -x myextension.js
Scan http://www.example.com (received from proxy) and filter all 200 OK
requestsgowpt --from-proxy -w wordlist/general/common.txt
Then open BurpSuite send the request you want to fuzz to repeater and set an upstream proxy to when you're ready click send, if everything was right you should see as response Request received by GOWPT
Extension are an easy way to extend gowpt features, a JavaScript VM is the responsable for loading and executing extension files.
JS Api
Below a list of currently implemented API
Method | Number of params | Description | Params |
addCustomEncoder | 2 | Create a custom encoder to be used with wordlists | Param1 -> EncoderName (string) Param2 -> EncoderLogic (function) |
panic | 1 | For debugging purpose crash the application | Param1 -> PanicText (string) |
dumpResponse | 2 | Dump a full request/response to disk, useful to save testcase | Param1 -> ResponseObject (http.Response) Param2 -> Path (string) |
setHTTPInterceptor | 1 | Create an interceptor for outgoing HTTP Request and ingoing reponses | Param1 -> HTTPCallback (function) * |
sendRequestSync * | 4 | Send an HTTP Request in a synchronous way | Param1 -> Method (string) Param2 -> Url (string) Param3 -> PostData (string) Param4 -> Headers (Object{Name:Value}) |
- A request/response object
- A result object
- A flag object that indicate whenever the first object is a request or a response
More info on the example extension below:
* Create a custom encoder called helloworld
* This encore just add the string "_helloworld" to every payload
* coming from the wordlist
addCustomEncoder("helloworld", myenc);
* Define the callback method for the helloworld encoder
function myenc(data) {
return data + "_helloword";
* Create an HTTP interceptor
* The interceptor will hook every request / response
* is possible to modify request before send it, anyway the respose item
* it's just shadow copy of the one received from the server so no modification
* are possible
* request_response is an object which may contains both http.Request
* or http.Response , to know which on is contained check is_request flag
* REMEMBER! request_response is an http.* object so you must interact with
* this one just like you would do in golang!
* dumpResponse is a built-in function which dump full request-response to
* disk.
* result is an object filled with stats about the response it contains some fields
* result.tags => Number of tags in the response
* result.code => HTTP Response status
* result.words => Number of words in the response
* result.lines => Number of lines in the response
* result.chars => Number of chars in the response
* result.request => Full dump of the request
* result.response => Full dump of the response
* result.response => The injected payload
setHTTPInterceptor(function(request_response, result, is_request){
request_response.Header.Set("Hello", "world")
dumpResponse(request_response, "/tmp/dump.txt")
* Send an HTTP request in a synchronous way
* This API accept 4 parameters:
* method => GET | POST | HEAD | PUT | PATCH | UPDATE
* url => The url of the HTTP service
* post_data => The content of request bodyBytes
* headers => A javascript dictionary {headerName => headerValue}
* The response object may be null or undefined or an http.Response from golang
var response = sendRequestSync("GET", "http://example.com/", null, {"Fake": "Header"})
Wordlists comes from wfuzz project! so thanks much guys!
Below the list of encoders available
- url (URL encode)
- urlurl (Double URL encode)
- html (HTML encode)
- htmlhex (HTML hex encode)
- unicode (Unicode encode)
- hex (Hex encode)
- md5hash (MD5 hash)
- sha1hash (SHA1 hash)
- sha2hash (SHA2 hash)
- b64 (Base64 encode)
- b32 (Base32 encode)
- plain (No encoding)
You can apply filters on the following variables
- tags (Number of tags)
- lines (Number of lines of response body)
- words (Number of words of response body)
- length (Size of response body)
- code (HTTP status code)
- chars (Number of chars of response body)
GOWPT - Go Web Application Penetration Test
Reviewed by Zion3R
10:22 AM