CredSniper - Phishing Framework which supports SSL and capture credentials with 2FA tokens

Easily launch a new phishing site fully presented with SSL and capture credentials along with 2FA tokens using CredSniper. The API provides secure access to the currently captured credentials which can be consumed by other applications using a randomly generated API token.

  • Fully supported SSL via Let's Encrypt
  • Exact login form clones for realistic phishing
  • Any number of intermediate pages
    • (i.e. Gmail login, password and two-factor pages then a redirect)
  • Supports phishing 2FA tokens
  • API for integrating credentials into other applications
  • Easy to personalize using a templating framework

Basic Usage
usage: [-h] --module MODULE [--twofactor] [--port PORT] [--ssl] [--verbose] --final FINAL --hostname HOSTNAME
optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --module MODULE      phishing module name - for example, "gmail"
  --twofactor          enable two-factor phishing
  --port PORT          listening port (default: 80/443)
  --ssl                use SSL via Let's Encrypt
  --verbose            enable verbose output
  --final FINAL        final url the user is redirected to after phishing is done
  --hostname HOSTNAME  hostname for SSL

.cache : Temporarily store username/password when phishing 2FA
.sniped : Flat-file storage for captured credentials and other information

API End-point
  • View Credentials (GET) https://<phish site>/creds/view?api_token=<api token>
  • Mark Credential as Seen (GET) https://<phish site>/creds/seen/<cred_id>?api_token=<api token>
  • Update Configuration (POST) https://<phish site>/config
    'enable_2fa': true,
    'module': 'gmail',
    'api_token': 'some-random-string'

All modules can be loaded by passing the --module <name> command to CredSniper. These are loaded from a directory inside /modules. CredSniper is built using Python Flask and all the module HTML templates are rendered using Jinja2.
  • Gmail: The latest Gmail login cloned and customized to trigger/phish all forms of 2FA
    • modules/gmail/ Main module loaded w/ --module gmail
    • modules/gmail/templates/error.html: Error page for 404's
    • modules/gmail/templates/login.html: Gmail Login Page
    • modules/gmail/templates/password.html: Gmail Password Page
    • modules/gmail/templates/authenticator.html: Google Authenticator 2FA page
    • modules/gmail/templates/sms.html: SMS 2FA page
    • modules/gmail/templates/touchscreen.html: Phone Prompt 2FA page


Ubuntu 16.04
You can install and run automatically with the following command:
$ git clone
$ cd CredSniper
~/CredSniper$ ./
Then, to run manually use the following commands:
~/$ cd CredSniper
~/CredSniper$ source bin/activate
(CredSniper) ~/CredSniper$ python --help
Note that Python 3 is required.


Gmail Module

CredSniper - Phishing Framework which supports SSL and capture credentials with 2FA tokens CredSniper - Phishing Framework which supports SSL and capture credentials with 2FA tokens Reviewed by Zion3R on 10:32 AM Rating: 5

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