XCat - Automate XPath Injection Attacks to Retrieve Documents
XCat is a command line program that aides in the exploitation of blind XPath injection vulnerabilities. It can be used to retrieve the whole XML document being processed by a vulnerable XPath query, read arbitrary files on the hosts filesystem and utilize out of bound HTTP requests to make the server send data directly to xcat.
XCat is built to exploit boolean XPath injections (Where only one bit of data can be extracted in one request) and it requires you to manually identify the exploit first, this does not do that for you. Check out the docs at http://xcat.readthedocs.org/ for more info.
pip3 install xcat
> xcat --help
xcat <url> <target_parameter> [<parameters>]... (--true-string=<string> | --true-code=<code>) [--method=<method>]
[--fast] [--oob-ip=<ip> (--oob-port=<port>)] [--stats] [--concurrency=<val>]
[--features] [--body] [--cookie=<cookie>] [(--shell | --shellcmd=<cmd>)]
xcat detectip
-s, --shell Open the psudo-shell for exploring injections
-S, --shellcmd=<cmd> Execute a single shell command.
-m, --method=<method> HTTP method to use for requests [default: GET]
-o, --oob-ip=<ip> Use this IP for OOB injection attacks
-p, --oob-port=<port> Use this port for injection attacks
-x, --concurrency=<val> Make this many connections to the target server [default: 10]
-b, --body Send the parameters in the request body as form data. Used with POST requests.
-c, --cookie=<cookie> A string that will be sent as the Cookie header
-f, --fast Only fetch the first 15 characters of string values
-t, --true-string=<string> Interpret this string in the response body as being a truthful request. Negate with '!'
-tc, --true-code=<code> Interpret this status code as being truthful. Negate with '!'
--stats Print statistics at the end of the session
XCat - Automate XPath Injection Attacks to Retrieve Documents
Reviewed by Zion3R
6:11 PM