parameth - Tool to brute discover GET and POST parameters
This tool can be used to brute discover GET and POST parameters.
Often when you are busting a directory for common files, you can identify scripts (for example test.php) that look like they need to be passed an unknown parameter. This hopefully can help find them.
The -off flag allows you to specify an offset (helps with dynamic pages) so for example, if you were getting alternating response sizes of 4444 and 4448, set the offset to 5 and it will only show the stuff outside the norm
usage: [-h] [-v] [-u URL] [-p PARAMS] [-H HEADER] [-a AGENT]
[-t THREADS] [-off VARIANCE] [-o OUT] [-P PROXY]
[-c COOKIE]***
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version Version Information
-u URL, --url URL Target URL
-p PARAMS, --params PARAMS Provide a list of parameters to scan for
-H HEADER, --header HEADER Add a custom header to the requests
-a AGENT, --agent AGENT Specify a user agent
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS Specify the number of threads.
-off VARIANCE, --variance VARIANCE The offset in difference to ignore (if dynamic pages)
-diff DIFFERENCE, --difference DIFFERENCE Percentage difference in response (recommended 95)
-o OUT, --out OUT Specify output file
-P PROXY, --proxy PROXY Specify a proxy in the form http|s://[IP]:[PORT]
-x IGNORE, --ignore IGNORE Specify a status to ignore eg. 404,302...
-s SIZEIGNORE, --sizeignore SIZEIGNORE Ignore responses of specified size
-d DATA, --data DATA Provide default post data (also taken from provided url after ?)
-i IGMETH, --igmeth IGMETH Ignore GET or POST method. Specify g or p
-c COOKIE, --cookie COOKIE Specify Cookies
-T TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT Specify a timeout in seconds to wait between each request
Adding new params from source:
The following regexes might be useful to parse
or $_POST
parameters from source:$> grep -rioP '$_POST[\s*["']\s*\w+\s*["']\s*]' PHPSOURCE | grep -oP '$_POST[\s*["']\s*\w+\s*["']\s*]' | sed -e "s/$_POST[\s*["']//g" -e "s/\s*['"]\s*]//g" | sort -u > /tmp/outfile.txt
$> grep -rioP '$_GET[\s*["']\s*\w+\s*["']\s*]' PHPSOURCE | grep -oP '$_GET[\s*["']\s*\w+\s*["']\s*]' | sed -e "s/$_GET[\s*["']//g" -e "s/\s*['"]\s*]//g" | sort -u > /tmp/outfile.txt
parameth - Tool to brute discover GET and POST parameters
Reviewed by Zion3R
10:30 AM