NorkNork - Powershell Empire Persistence Finder
This script was designed to identify Powershell Empire persistence payloads on Windows systems.
It currently supports checks for these persistence methods:
- Scheduled Tasks
- Auto-run
- WMI subscriptions
- Security Support provider
- Ease of Access Center backdoors
- Machine account password disable
You can run this script with python 2.7 or by downloading the pyinstaller exe. Run the binary or the script in a powershell window.
Running the python script
PS C:\Users\>python
Running the binary
PS C:\Users\> .\norknork.exe
Save the data into a text file
PS C:\Users\> .\norknork.exe > results.txt
Q: Why didn't you just create this in powershell?
A: I was too lazy to learn powershell.
Q: Will this find all persistence methods?
A: No, only those in Powershell Emprire and only those that perist through reboots.
NorkNork - Powershell Empire Persistence Finder
Reviewed by Zion3R
11:00 AM