Vulnreport - Pentesting Management And Automation Platform
Vulnreport is a platform for managing penetration tests and generating well-formatted, actionable findings reports without the normal overhead that takes up security engineer's time. The platform is built to support automation at every stage of the process and allow customization for whatever other systems you use as part of your pentesting process.
Vulnreport was built by the Salesforce Product Security team as a way to get rid of the time we spent writing, formatting, and proofing reports for penetration tests. Our goal was and continues to be to build great security tools that let pentesters and security engineers focus on finding and fixing vulns.
For full documentation, see
Vulnreport is a Ruby web application (Sinatra/Rack stack) backed by a PostgreSQL database with a Redis cache layer.
Vulnreport can be installed on a local VM or server behind something like nginx, or can be deployed to Heroku.
Local Deploy / Your own server
To deploy locally, you'll need to make sure you have installed the dependencies:
- Ruby >= 2.1
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Rollbar
- Bundler
bundle install
. You'll probably want to modify
to make it work for your environment - the one included in the repo is intended to be used for local use during debugging/development.You should also create a .env file based on .env.example, or set the same ENV variables defined in .env in your environment.
Heroku Deploy
Automatic Deployment
You can automatically deploy to Heroku. After doing so, follow the instructions below to login to Vulnreport and finish configuration.
Manual Deployment
To deploy to Heroku (assuming you have created a Heroku app and have the toolbelt installed)
git clone [Vulnreport repo url]
heroku git:remote -a [Heroku app name]
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
heroku addons:create heroku-redis:hobby-dev
heroku addons:create rollbar:free
heroku addons:create sendgrid:starter
. If this isn't your production install, you should change RACK_ENV
to development
.heroku config:set VR_SESSION_SECRET=abc123456
heroku config:set RACK_ENV=production
git push heroku master
To handle the initial configuration for Vulnreport, run the
script. If you are deploying on Heroku, run this via heroku run ./SEED.rb
.If you used the automated 'Deploy to Heroku' feature, this step should have been handled for you automatically.
Running ./SEED.rb on ⏢ vulnreport-test... up, run.8035
Vulnreport 3.0.0.alpha seed script
WARNING: This script should be run ONCE immediately after deploying and then DELETED
Setting up Vulnreport now...
Setting up the PostgreSQL database...
Seeding the database...
User ID 1 created for you
Login to Vulnreport now and go through the rest of the settings!
Now, delete the SEED.rb file.The default admin user has been created for you with username
and password admin
. This should be immediately rotated and/or SSO should be configured.At this point you should go to your Vulnreport URL (e.g. above) and login with the user created. Go through the Vulnreport and user settings to configure your instance of Vulnreport.
You're ready to go - for documentation about how to use your newly-installed Vulnreport instance, see the full docs at
Custom Interfaces and Integrations
Vulnreport is designed and intended to be used with external systems. For more information about how to implement the interfaces that allow for integration/synchronization with external systems please see the custom interfaces documentation at
Code Documentation
To generate the documentation for the code, simply run Yard:
yard doc
yard server
A Note on XML Import/Export
Currently, Vulnreport supports an XML format to import Vulns to a specific Test. This is useful if you want Vulnreport to be on a different network than you do your pentests on and thus are using a different client to record findings while you actively pentest, but relies on being configured for your specific Vulnreport instance and Vulntypes configuration.
We're working on supporting a few other types of XML import (ZAP and Burp, for instance) as well as allowing arbitrary XML export/import between Vulnreport instances. Stay tuned as we hope to push these features soon.
The XML format Vulnreport currently supports is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Test xmlns:xsi="">
<Type>[Vulntype ID]</Type>
<File>[File Vuln Data]</File>
[Code Vuln Data]
hello world
12 Public Class CommonFunction{
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Test xmlns:xsi=""">
<Type>REQUIRED - EXACTLY 1 - INTEGER - ID of VulnType. 0 = Custom</Type>
<CustomTypeName>OPTIONAL - EXACTLY 1 - STRING if TYPE == 0</CustomTypeName>
<BurpData>OPTIONAL - UNLIMITED - STRING - Burp req/resp data encoded in our protocol</BurpData>
<FileName>OPTIONAL - UNLIMITED - STRING - Name/path of file for finding</FileName>
<Output>OPTIONAL - UNLIMITED - STRING - Output details</Output>
<Code>OPTIONAL - UNLIMITED - STRING - Code details</Code>
<Notes>OPTIONAL - UNLIMITED - STRING - Notes for vuln</Notes>
OPTIONAL - UNLIMITED - Screenshots of vuln
<Filename>REQUIRED - EXACTLY 1 - STRING - Filename with extension</Filename>
REQUIRED - EXACTLY 1 - BASE64 - Screenshot data
....unlimited vulns....
Vulnreport - Pentesting Management And Automation Platform
Reviewed by Zion3R
7:12 PM