Dracnmap v2.2 - Exploit Network and Gathering Information with Nmap
Dracnmap is an open source program which is using to exploit the network and gathering information with nmap help. Nmap command comes with lots of options that can make the utility more robust and difficult to follow for new users. Hence Dracnmap is designed to perform fast scaning with the utilizing script engine of nmap and nmap can perform various automatic scanning techniques with the advanced commands.
- v2.2 - add multi task in dracnmap when scan
- v2.2 - the output file will be in root / on folder dracnmap
- v2.1 - Fixed bug ( typo and double function )
- v2.0 - Changed a banner
- v2.0 - added auth-category (34 OPTIONAL) in to nmap script engine Advanced
- v2.0 - added broadcast-category (44 OPTIONAL) in to nmap script engine Advanced
- v2.0 - added brute-category (71 OPTIONAL) in to nmap script engine Advanced
- v2.0 - added exploit-category (44 OPTIONAL) in to nmap script engine Advanced
- v2.0 - added fuzzer-category (4 OPTIONAL)in to nmap script engine Advanced
- v2.0 - added malware-category (10 OPTIONAL) in to nmap script engine Advanced
- v2.0 - added vuln-category (89 OPTIONAL)in to nmap script engine Advanced
- v2.0 - Delete future bruteforce with nse script & Changed to Nmap Script Engine Advanced with sub optional
- v1.3 - Add 70 Bruteforce with nse script :))
- v1.2 - Add dracnmap for dracos
- v1.2 - Fix some functoin
- v1.1 - Collecting Valid Email Accounts with nse Script ( WEB SERVICE )
- V1.1 - Add Gathering information from WHOIS ( MENU WEB SERVICE )
- V1.1 - Add Geolocation ip addres with nse script ( MENU WEB SERVICE )
- v1.0 - Release Dracnmap
git clone https://github.com/Screetsec/Dracnmap.git
cd Dracnmap
chmod +x Dracnmap.sh
sudo ./Dracnmap.sh or sudo su ./Dracnmap.sh
- A linux operating system. We recommend Kali Linux 2 or Kali 2016.1 rolling / Cyborg / Parrot / Dracos / BackTrack / Backbox / and another operating system ( linux )
- Must install nmap
Dracnmap v2.2 - Exploit Network and Gathering Information with Nmap
Reviewed by Zion3R
10:43 AM