WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction) - Python framework for IT security tools
Main functions
1) To use a module, run the command "use [module_call]", e.g. "use apsniff", to activate the module.
2) The modules options can be changed with "set [parameter] [value]".
3) Inside the modules, you always have the possibilty to view the options with the command "so".
4)Your environment settings is in core/config.ini. Please adjust them before running.
Web menu
Run the command "www" from the console to activate a Flask server showing the modules in your browser. Access it from:
Modules are loaded directly into a xterm.
DEV: Try the SniffHTTP and APsniff module - define parameters in the browser.
bruteforce | creds | changeme | Default creds scan | Scan IP's for services and try logging in with default credentials (Arthur: ztgrace) |
bruteforce | loginpath | adminfinder | Admin Finder | A Simple script to find admin-paths for webpages. (Arthur: Spaddex) |
bruteforce | rar | bfrar | BF RAR | Bruteforce a RAR file |
bruteforce | ssh | bfssh | Bruteforce SSH | Bruteforce SSH login |
bruteforce | web | bfweb | Bruteforce weblogin form | Bruteforce a weblogin form with word- and passlist |
bruteforce | zip | bfzip | BF ZIP | Bruteforce a ZIP file |
cracking | aut | john | John the Ripper | As you know - kill the hash |
cracking | hash | hashid | Identify hash | Identify a hash |
cracking | wpa | crackwpa | Crack WPA 4-way handshake | Gather WPA 4-way handshake from accesspoint and crack it |
exploit | browser | browserpwn | Browser Autopwn2 | This module will automatically serve browser exploits (Arthur: sinn3r[at]metasploit.com) |
exploit | search | exploitdb | Exploitdb | Shell-style script to search exploit-db.com exploits. (Arthur: mattoufoutu) |
sin | mspoofcheck | Spoofcheck email domain | Check if a domain can be spoofed for e.g. emailing | |
monitor | arp | arpmon | ARP monitor alert | Monitor ARP table and alert for changes |
monitor | ip | ipmon | IP monitor alert | Monitor IP's and alert for changes |
other | settings | settings | Change settings | Change your environment settings, e.g. interface |
pentesting | niptt | sparta | SPARTA | SPARTA is a python GUI application which simplifies network infrastructure penetration testing. |
phishing | ap | etphis | Ewil Twin phishing | Create a Evil Twin and redirect user to fake password page. |
phishing | webpage | webphis | Webpage phishing | Run a local flask server with phishing pages. |
recon | dns | dig | Domain info groper | Using dig command you can query DNS name servers for your DNS lookup related tasks |
recon | dns | dnsmap | dnsmap | DNS Network Mapper. Enumeration and bruteforcing. |
recon | dns | dnsrecon | dnsrecon | Multiple DNS recon abilities. |
router | framework | rsploit | Routersploit | Framework for routers with exploits and getting creds. (Arthur: Reverse Shell Security) |
scan | sin | lanscan | Lan scan | Scan local net - recon |
sniff | aut | apsniff | AP sniff | Create AP and sniff HTTPS and avoid HSTS + Beef |
sniff | http | sniffhttp | Sniff HTTP | Sniff HTTP packages. Extract username and passwords from traffic. |
sniff | sin | bettercap | Bettercap | Bettercap integration for sniffing packets and bypass HSTS and HTTPS |
socialeng | instabot | Instagram bot | Instagram bot for performing various activities (Arthur: LevPasha) | |
spoof | arp | arpspoof | ARP spoof | Spoofing ARP |
sql | sqli | gdsqli | Gdork SQLi | Scrape net for urls and check if they are prone to SQL injection |
sql | sqli | sqlmap | SQLmap | Just an activation of SQLmap. |
system | mac | macc | Macchanger | Change your MAC address |
tools | search | searchht | Search hacktools | Searchengine for hackingtools |
wifi | accesspoint | createap | Create an Accesspoint | Create an Accesspoint |
wifi | wifi | wifiutils | WiFi utils | Utilities for WiFi, e.g. deauth, WiFi's, clients, probes, etc. |
Before your first run, please: 1. Adjust your environment settings in
2. Rename core/config.ini.default
to core/config.ini
Start the console with:
python3 wmd.py
Start a single module:
python3 wmd.py -m [CALL]
Start webserver:
python3 wmd.py -w
Start without checking requirements:
python3 wmd.py -nc
Before your first run, please: 1. Adjust your environment settings in
2. Rename core/config.ini.default
to core/config.ini
- Linux operating system
- Python3
- Python libraries requirements in requirements.txt
modules which needs them will inform you about it and just dont run..
- GIT: Admin-Finder
- Aircrack-ng
- Airomon-ng
- Airodump-ng
- Airolib-ng
- Arp
- Arpspoof
- Beef
- Bettercap
- GIT: changeme
- CrackMapExec
- Create_ap
- Dig
- Dnsmap
- GIT: Dnsrecon
- GIT: Exploitdb
- GIT: Hashid
- Hostapd
- GIT: Instabot
- John the Ripper
- Nmap
- GIT: Routersploit
- GIT: Spoofcheck
- core --> The core files with functions used all over the code
- files --> Static files, passwordlist, etc.
- logs --> Standard folder for saving logs into
- modules --> Containing the modules
- tmp --> Guess
- tools --> GIT tools
- www --> Files for the webserver
New module
Checkout the template in
Add module
python3 wmd.py -a modulePathName.py
Pull requests
- Only python3 code
- Code needs to follow pep8 flake8 (no need for linebreak)
First priority
- More modules
Interactive webinterface. Set settings and get results in the browser<-- sniffhttp and apsniff done - Rename config.ini to config.ini.default to avoid overriding userspecific config file
- Proxychain
- Tor
- Threading on all BF
- Try/except on imports on modules for running with os.system
- Add run command with : in modules
- Add info about 'set para value' in modules (missing?!)
- Regenerate modules.xml (loop through modules)
- Design modules with core import and parser for design
- Check that there are enough credit to arthurs of tools, repos, etc.
- Split updatetools into local tools vs git
- When adding modules strip <> to ensuring XML format
- Change behavior of install and update tools
- Add invoke option inside all modules
- All modules - change options to Options
- Split files folder up into lists, etc
- Core network and wifi - merged?
- Original arthurs will be displayed below banner on modules. Todo.
- When showing modules indicate somehow what they require
Set modules parameters in browser dialog - Add args to all modules and create dialog HTML (automated tool in development)
- Do a run through config.ini and extract names for the updatecommand instead of DRY in two functions
Internal code
- cleanup getLocalIP (local_ip) in functions
- PEP8/Flake8 for old modules
SQLmap -
Sparta -
http sniff pwd<-- Done -
Evil Twin- deauth + info about unmanaging in NetworkManager -
Evil Twin - arg parse for landingpage / + logfunction - monitor network auto
- xsser
- target attack website or ip
- system information
- dns fake
- grep, sed, awk
- scapy on all network activity
- Admin finder - checkout google/bing search before BF
- Changeme - Ztgrace
- Osint frame
- Bettercap modules. Implementation in other modules. Excellent performance.
- Create Access Point with hostapd and dnsmasq. Already implemented in Ewil Twin
WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction) - Python framework for IT security tools
Reviewed by Zion3R
11:30 AM