Operative - The Fingerprint Framework
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This is a framework based on fingerprint action, this tool is used for get information on website or enterprise target
Dependency & launching
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python operative.py
Core Modules
- core/modules/cms_gathering
- core/modules/domain_search
- core/modules/email_to_domain
- core/modules/https_gathering
- core/modules/linkedin_search
- core/modules/reverse_ipdomain
- core/modules/search_db
- core/modules/waf_gathering
- core/modules/whois_domain
- core/modules/generate_email
- core/modules/viadeo_search
SQL File forensics
- import database in core/dbs/
- read table
- read columns
- search information with pattern
Write module
For write module look core/modules/sample_module class
This is only for testing purposes and can only be used where strict consent has been given. Do not use this for illegal purposes, period.
Operative - The Fingerprint Framework
Reviewed by Zion3R
11:30 AM