OWASP Security Knowledge Framework - An expert system application that uses OWASP Application Security Verification Standard OWASP Security Knowledge Framework - An expert system application that uses OWASP Application Security Verification Standard Reviewed by Zion3R on 10:30 AM Rating: 5
Cyber Probe - Capturing, Analysing and Responding to Cyber Attacks Cyber Probe - Capturing, Analysing and Responding to Cyber Attacks Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:30 AM Rating: 5
Nozes - PeTest CMD Manager [Automate Your PenTest Attacks In One Click] Nozes - PeTest CMD Manager [Automate Your PenTest Attacks In One Click] Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:30 AM Rating: 5
OWASP Security Shepherd - Web And Mobile Application Security Training Platform OWASP Security Shepherd - Web And Mobile Application Security Training Platform Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:07 PM Rating: 5
FiercePhish - A Full-Fledged Phishing Framework To Manage All Phishing Engagements FiercePhish - A Full-Fledged Phishing Framework To Manage All Phishing Engagements Reviewed by Zion3R on 12:28 PM Rating: 5
reversemap - Analyse SQL injection attempts in web server logs reversemap - Analyse SQL injection attempts in web server logs Reviewed by Zion3R on 10:24 AM Rating: 5
passfault - OWASP Passfault evaluates passwords and enforces password policy in a completely different way passfault - OWASP Passfault evaluates passwords and enforces password policy in a completely different way Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:30 AM Rating: 5
backdoorppt - transform your payload.exe into one fake word doc (.ppt) backdoorppt - transform your payload.exe into one fake word doc (.ppt) Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:23 AM Rating: 5
iptodomain - This tool extract domains from IP address based in the information saved in virustotal iptodomain - This tool extract domains from IP address based in the information saved in virustotal Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:18 AM Rating: 5
Automato - Automating the user-focused enumeration tasks during an internal penetration test Automato - Automating the user-focused enumeration tasks during an internal penetration test Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:11 AM Rating: 5
chisel - A fast TCP tunnel over HTTP chisel - A fast TCP tunnel over HTTP Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:07 AM Rating: 5
LUNAR - Lockdown UNix Auditing and Reporting LUNAR - Lockdown UNix Auditing and Reporting Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:30 AM Rating: 5
Glue - Application Security Automation Glue - Application Security Automation Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:30 AM Rating: 5
JudasDNS - Nameserver DNS poisoning attacks made easy JudasDNS - Nameserver DNS poisoning attacks made easy Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:30 AM Rating: 5
Tinfoleak v2.0 - Get detailed information about a Twitter user activity Tinfoleak v2.0 - Get detailed information about a Twitter user activity Reviewed by Zion3R on 10:42 AM Rating: 5
Invoke-TheHash - PowerShell Pass The Hash Utils Invoke-TheHash - PowerShell Pass The Hash Utils Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:19 AM Rating: 5
rePy2exe - A Reverse Engineering Tool for py2exe applications rePy2exe - A Reverse Engineering Tool for py2exe applications Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:00 AM Rating: 5
Operative - The Fingerprint Framework Operative - The Fingerprint Framework Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:30 AM Rating: 5
custom-bytecode-analyzer - Java bytecode analyzer customizable via JSON rules custom-bytecode-analyzer - Java bytecode analyzer customizable via JSON rules Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:34 AM Rating: 5
Acunetix Release Web Site Security Pen Testing Tools Free Acunetix Release Web Site Security Pen Testing Tools Free Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:28 AM Rating: 5
DAVScan - Fingerprints servers, finds exploits, scans WebDAV DAVScan - Fingerprints servers, finds exploits, scans WebDAV Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:28 AM Rating: 5
AutoLocalPrivilegeEscalation - An automated script that download potential exploit for linux kernel from exploitdb, and compile them automatically AutoLocalPrivilegeEscalation - An automated script that download potential exploit for linux kernel from exploitdb, and compile them automatically Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:23 AM Rating: 5
KickThemOut - Kick Devices Off Your Network KickThemOut - Kick Devices Off Your Network Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:27 AM Rating: 5
Chromebackdoor - Backdoor C&C for Populars Browsers Chromebackdoor - Backdoor C&C for Populars Browsers Reviewed by Zion3R on 12:14 AM Rating: 5
Snuck - Automatic XSS filter bypass Snuck - Automatic XSS filter bypass Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:05 AM Rating: 5
xsscrapy - XSS/SQLi Spider xsscrapy - XSS/SQLi Spider Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:03 AM Rating: 5
Steghide - Brute Force Attack to Find Hide Information and Password in a file Steghide - Brute Force Attack to Find Hide Information and Password in a file Reviewed by Zion3R on 4:30 PM Rating: 5
Wifijammer - Continuously Jam All Wifi Clients/Routers Wifijammer - Continuously Jam All Wifi Clients/Routers Reviewed by Zion3R on 9:39 PM Rating: 5
mitmAP - Simple Tool to Create a Fake AP and Sniff Data mitmAP - Simple Tool to Create a Fake AP and Sniff Data Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:48 AM Rating: 5
BARF - A multiplatform open source Binary Analysis and Reverse engineering Framework BARF - A multiplatform open source Binary Analysis and Reverse engineering Framework Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:22 AM Rating: 5
Hakku Framework - Simple Penetration Testing Framework Hakku Framework - Simple Penetration Testing Framework Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:10 AM Rating: 5