PenBox v2.2 - A Penetration Testing Framework (The Hacker's Repo)
A Penetration Testing Framework , The Hacker’s Repo our hope is in the last version we will have evry script that a hacker needs.
Information Gathering :
- nmap
- Setoolkit
- Port Scanning
- Host To IP
- wordpress user enumeration
- CMS scanner
- XSStracer - checks remote web servers for Clickjacking, Cross-Frame Scripting, Cross-Site Tracing and Host Header Injection
- Doork - Google Dorks Passive Vulnerability Auditor
- Scan A server's Users
Password Attacks :
- Cupp
- Ncrack
Wireless Testing :
- reaver
- pixiewps
- Bluetooth Honeypot GUI Framework
Exploitation Tools :
- Venom
- sqlmap
- Shellnoob
- commix
- FTP Auto Bypass
- jboss-autopwn
- Blind SQL Automatic Injection And Exploit
- Bruteforce the Android Passcode given the hash and salt
- Joomla, Mambo, PHP-Nuke, and XOOPS CMS SQL injection Scanner
Sniffing & Spoofing :
- Setoolkit
- SSLtrip
- SMTP Mailer
Web Hacking :
- Drupal Hacking
- Inurlbr
- Wordpress & Joomla Scanner
- Gravity Form Scanner
- File Upload Checker
- Wordpress Exploit Scanner
- Wordpress Plugins Scanner
- Shell and Directory Finder
- Joomla! 1.5 - 3.4.5 remote code execution
- Vbulletin 5.X remote code execution
- BruteX - Automatically brute force all services running on a target
- Arachni - Web Application Security Scanner Framework
Private Tools
- Get all websites
- Get joomla websites
- Get wordpress websites
- Find control panel
- Find zip files
- Find upload files
- Get server users
- Scan from SQL injection
- Scan ports (range of ports)
- Scan ports (common ports)
- Get server banner
- Bypass Cloudflare
Post Exploitation
- Shell Checker
- Weeman - Phishing Framework
- Sniper
git clone
PenBox v2.2 - A Penetration Testing Framework (The Hacker's Repo)
Reviewed by Zion3R
11:06 AM
![PenBox v2.2 - A Penetration Testing Framework (The Hacker's Repo)](