Wordbrutepress - Wordpress Brute Force Multithreading with Standard and XML-RPC Login Method
- Multithreading
- xml-rpc brute force mode
- http and https protocols support
- Random User Agent
- Big wordlist support
Standard login request:
python wordbrutepress.py -S -t http[s]://target.com[:port] -u username -w wordlist [--timeout in sec]
Xml-rpc login request:
python wordbrutepress.py -X -t http[s]://target.com[:port] -u username -w wordlist [--timeout in sec]
2015-11-20 v2.1
1) Add new feature: Big wordlist support (thanks to guly @theguly)
2) Fix faultcode check instead of "403" code for XML-RPC (thanks to guly @theguly)
2015-04-12 v2.0
1) Add new feature: xml-rpc brute force mode
2) Fix minor bugs
2015-04-11 v1.1
1) optparse (Deprecated since version 2.7) replaced by argparse
2) Fix connection bugs
Wordbrutepress - Wordpress Brute Force Multithreading with Standard and XML-RPC Login Method
Reviewed by Zion3R
5:52 PM