Cookiescanner - Tool to Check the Cookie Flag for a Multiple Sites
Tool to do more easy the web scan proccess to check if the secure and
HTTPOnly flags are enabled in the cookies (path and expires too).
tools allows probe multiple urls through a input file, by a google
domain (looking in all subdomains) or by a unique url. Also, supports
multiple output like json, xml and csv.
- Multiple options for output (and export using >). xml, json, csv, grepable
- Check the flags in multiple sites by a file input (one per line). This is very useful for pentesters when they want check the flags in multiple sites.
- Google search. Search in google all subdomains and check the cookies for each domain.
- Colors for the normal output.
Usage: [options]
Example: ./ -i ips.txt
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input=INPUT
File input with the list of webservers
-I, --info More info
-u URL, --url=URL URL
-f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT
Output format (json, xml, csv, normal, grepable)
--nocolor Disable color (for the normal format output)
-g GOOGLE, --google=GOOGLE
Search in google by domain
requests >= 2.8.1
BeautifulSoup >= 4.2.1
Install requirements
pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
Cookiescanner - Tool to Check the Cookie Flag for a Multiple Sites
Reviewed by Zion3R
7:46 PM