Heartbleed Vulnerability Scanner - Network Scanner for OpenSSL Memory Leak (CVE-2014-0160)
Heartbleed Vulnerability Scanner is a multiprotocol (HTTP, IMAP,
SMTP, POP) CVE-2014-0160 scanning and automatic exploitation tool
written with python.
For scanning wide ranges automatically, you can provide a network
range in CIDR notation and an output file to dump the memory of
vulnerable system to check after.
Hearbleed Vulnerability Scanner can also get targets from a list
file. This is useful if you already have a list of systems using SSL
services such as HTTPS, POP3S, SMTPS or IMAPS.
git clone https://github.com/hybridus/heartbleedscanner.git
Sample usage
To scan your local network for heartbleed vulnerability (https/443) and save the leaks into a file:
python heartbleedscan.py -n -f localscan.txt -r
To scan the same network against SMTP Over SSL/TLS and randomize the IP addresses
python heartbleedscan.py -n -p 25 -s SMTP -r
If you already have a target list which you created by using nmap/zmap
python heartbleedscan.py -i targetlist.txt
Before using Heartbleed Vulnerability Scanner, you should install python-netaddr package.
CentOS or CentOS-like systems :
yum install python-netaddr
Ubuntu or Debian-like systems :
apt-get insall python-netaddr
Heartbleed Vulnerability Scanner - Network Scanner for OpenSSL Memory Leak (CVE-2014-0160)
Reviewed by Zion3R
6:47 AM