WPHardening 1.5 - Fortify the security of any WordPress installation
Fortify the security of any WordPress installation.
Installing WPHardening requires you to execute one console command:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python wphardening.py -h
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Fortify the security of any WordPress installation. |___/
Sponsored by SYHUNT - http://www.syhunt.com
Usage: python wphardening.py [options]
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Active verbose mode output results
--update Check for WPHardening latest stable version
This option must be specified to modify the package WordPress.
**REQUIRED** - Working Directory.
--load-conf=FILE Load file configuration.
Different tools to hardening WordPress.
-c, --chmod Chmod 755 in directory and 644 in files.
-r, --remove Remove files and directory.
-b, --robots Create file robots.txt
-f, --fingerprinting
Deleted fingerprinting WordPress.
-t, --timthumb Find the library TimThumb.
--chown=user:group Changing file and directory owner.
--wp-config Wizard generated wp-config.php
--plugins Download Plugins Security.
--proxy=PROXY Use a HTTP proxy to connect to the target url for
--plugins and --wp-config.
--indexes It allows you to display the contents of directories.
--minify Compressing static file .css and .js
--malware-scan Malware Scan in WordPress project.
-o FILE, --output=FILE
Write log report to FILE.log
Check a WordPress Project
Before using the tool, we must ensure that our working directory is WordPress.
$ python wphardening.py -d /home/path/to/wordpress -v
Change permissions
This option is to add the correct permissions to files and directories.
$ python wphardening.py -d /home/path/to/wordpress --chmod -v
Remove files that are not used
Part of the fortification of any system is to remove those files, directories or components required.
$ python wphardening.py -d /home/path/to/wordpress --remove -v
Create your robots.txt file
WordPress default does not incorporate the robots.txt file with this option poemos customize our robots.txt
$ python wphardening.py -d /home/path/to/wordpress --robots -v
Remove all fingerprinting and Version
$ python wphardening.py -d /home/path/to/wordpress --fingerprinting -v
Check a TimThumb library
$ python wphardening.py -d /home/path/to/wordpress --timthumb -v
Create Index file
This file is created as a way to avoid sailing in a directory.
$ python wphardening.py -d /home/path/to/wordpress --indexes -v
Download Plugins security
The following is a list of the most commonly used security plugins that you can download automatically:
- AntiVirus
- Bad Behavior
- Block Bad Queries
- Exploit Scanner
- Latch
- Simple History
- Stream
- WP Security Scan
- WP-DBManager
$ python wphardening.py -d /home/path/to/wordpress --plugins
Wizard generated wp-config.php
This command automatically creates a file called wp-config-wphardening.php which can then rename it.
$ python wphardening.py -d /home/path/to/wordpress --wp-config
WPHardening update
With this option you can always have the latest version of WPHardening.
$ python wphardening.py --update
Use all options
$ python wphardening.py -d /home/path/to/wordpress -c -r -f -t --wp-config --indexes --plugins -o /home/user/wphardening.log
WPHardening 1.5 - Fortify the security of any WordPress installation
Reviewed by Zion3R
7:03 PM