PortDog - Simple Python Script to Detect Port Scanning Techniques
PortDog is a network anomaly detector aimed to detect port scanning
techniques. It is entirely written in python and has easy-to-use
interface. It was tested on Ubuntu 15. Please note that, it is not
working on Windows OS due to suffering from capturing RAW packets.I am
working on to write this script to work both platforms. In future , I'am
thinking about adding firewall options that could block malicious
attempts. It is using Raw packets for analysis. For this reason, please
ensure that you have run this script from privileged session.
sudo python portdog.py -t time_for_sniff_in_minutes
For example, if you want to detect for 5 minutes use:
sudo python portdog.py -t 5
For infinite detection use:sudo python portdog.py -t 0
If you want to get list of scanned ports , press CTRL+C to get port list at runtime (If scan was happened).
PortDog - Simple Python Script to Detect Port Scanning Techniques
Reviewed by Zion3R
3:12 PM