Intrigue - Intelligence Gathering Framework
Intrigue-core is an API-first intelligence gathering framework for Internet reconnaissance and research.
Setting up a development environment
The following are presumed available and configured in your environment
- redis
- sudo
- nmap
- zmap
- masscan
- java runtime
Sudo is used to allow root access for certain commands ^ , so make sure this doesn't require a password:
your-username ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/masscan, /usr/sbin/zmap, /usr/bin/nmap
Starting up...
Make sure you have redis installed and running. (Use Homebrew if you're on OSX).
Install all gem dependencies with Bundler (
$ bundle install
Start the web and background workers. Intrigue will start on$ foreman start
Now, browse to the web interface.Using the web interface
To use the web interface, browse to
Getting started should be pretty straightforward, try running a
"dns_brute_sub" task on your domain. Now, try with the "use_file" option
set to true.
API usage via core-cli:
A command line utility has been added for convenience, core-cli.
List all available tasks:
$ bundle exec ./core-cli.rb list
Start a task:$ bundle exec ./core-cli.rb start dns_lookup_forward
Start a task with options:$ bundle exec ./core-cli.rb start dns_brute_sub resolver=,2,3,4,www#use_permutations=true
[+] Starting task
[+] Task complete!
[+] Start Results
[ ] End Results
[+] Task Log:
[ ] : Got allowed option: resolver
[ ] : Allowed option: {:name=>"resolver", :type=>"String", :regex=>"ip_address", :default=>""}
[ ] : Regex should match an IP Address
[ ] : No need to convert resolver to a string
[+] : Allowed user_option! {"name"=>"resolver", "value"=>""}
[ ] : Got allowed option: brute_list
[ ] : Allowed option: {:name=>"brute_list", :type=>"String", :regex=>"alpha_numeric_list", :default=>["mx", "mx1", "mx2", "www", "ww2", "ns1", "ns2", "ns3", "test", "mail", "owa", "vpn", "admin", "intranet", "gateway", "secure", "admin", "service", "tools", "doc", "docs", "network", "help", "en", "sharepoint", "portal", "public", "private", "pub", "zeus", "mickey", "time", "web", "it", "my", "photos", "safe", "download", "dl", "search", "staging"]}
[ ] : Regex should match an alpha-numeric list
[ ] : No need to convert brute_list to a string
[+] : Allowed user_option! {"name"=>"brute_list", "value"=>"1,2,3,4,www"}
[ ] : Got allowed option: use_permutations
[ ] : Allowed option: {:name=>"use_permutations", :type=>"Boolean", :regex=>"boolean", :default=>true}
[ ] : Regex should match a boolean
[+] : Allowed user_option! {"name"=>"use_permutations", "value"=>true}
[ ] : user_options: [{"resolver"=>""}, {"brute_list"=>"1,2,3,4,www"}, {"use_permutations"=>true}]
[ ] : Task: dns_brute_sub
[ ] : Id: fddc7313-52f6-4d5a-9aad-fd39b0428ca5
[ ] : Task entity: {"type"=>"DnsRecord", "attributes"=>{"name"=>""}}
[ ] : Task options: [{"resolver"=>""}, {"brute_list"=>"1,2,3,4,www"}, {"use_permutations"=>true}]
[ ] : Option configured: resolver=
[ ] : Option configured: use_file=false
[ ] : Option configured: brute_file=dns_sub.list
[ ] : Option configured: use_mashed_domains=false
[ ] : Option configured: brute_list=1,2,3,4,www
[ ] : Option configured: use_permutations=true
[ ] : Using provided brute list
[+] : Using subdomain list: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "www"]
[+] : Looks like no wildcard dns. Moving on.
[-] : Hit exception: no address for
[-] : Hit exception: no address for
[-] : Hit exception: no address for
[-] : Hit exception: no address for
[+] : Resolved Address for
[+] : Creating entity: DnsRecord, {:name=>""}
[+] : Creating entity: IpAddress, {:name=>""}
[ ] : Adding permutations: www1, www2
[-] : Hit exception: no address for
[-] : Hit exception: no address for
[+] : Ship it!
[ ] : Sending to Webhook: http://localhost:7777/v1/task_runs/fddc7313-52f6-4d5a-9aad-fd39b0428ca5
Check for a list of subdomains on$ bundle exec ./core-cli.rb start dns_brute_sub resolver=,b,c,proxy,test,www
Check the Alexa top 1000 domains for the existence of security headers:$ for x in `cat data/domains.txt | head -n 1000`; do bundle exec ./core-cli.rb start dns_brute_sub DnsRecord#$x;done
API usage via rubygem
$ gem install intrigue
$ irb
> require 'intrigue'
> x =
# Create an entity hash, must have a :type key
# and (in the case of most tasks) a :attributes key
# with a hash containing a :name key (as shown below)
> entity = {
:type => "String",
:attributes => { :name => ""}
# Create a list of options (this can be empty)
> options_list = [
{ :name => "resolver", :value => "" }
> x.start "example", entity_hash, options_list
> id = x.start "example", entity_hash, options_list
> puts x.get_log id
> puts x.get_result id
API usage via curl:
You can use the tried and true curl utility to request a task run.
Specify the task type, specify an entity, and the appropriate options:
$ curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "task": "example", "entity": { "type": "String", "attributes": { "name": "" } }, "options": {} }'
Intrigue - Intelligence Gathering Framework
Reviewed by Zion3R
6:32 PM