AutoBrowser - Create Report and Screenshots of HTTP/s Based Ports on the Network
AutoBrowser is a tool written in python for penetration testers.
The purpose of this tool is to create report and screenshots of http/s based ports on the network.
It analyze Nmap Report or scan with Nmap,
Check the results with http/s request on each host using headless web browser,
Grab a screenshot of the response page content.
- This tool is designed for IT professionals to perform penetration testing to scan and analyze NMAP results.
Delimiting the values on the CLI arguments it must be by double quotes only!
- Get the argument details of
method:python scan --help
- Scan with Nmap and Checks the results and create folder by name project_name:
python scan "" -a="-sT -sV -T3" -p project_name
- Get the argument details of
method:python analyze --help
- Analyzing Nmap XML report and create folder by name report_analyze:
python analyze nmap_file.xml --project report_analyze
Linux Installation:
- sudo apt-get install python-pip python2.7-dev libxext-dev python-qt4 qt4-dev-tools build-essential nmap
- sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
MacOSx Installation:
- Install Xcode Command Line Tools (AppStore)
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- brew install pyqt nmap
- sudo easy_install pip
- sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Windows Installation:
- Install setuptools
- Install pip
- Install PyQt4
- install Nmap
- Open Command Prompt(cmd) as Administrator -> Goto python folder -> Scripts (cd c:\Python27\Scripts)
- pip install -r (Full Path To requirements.txt)
AutoBrowser - Create Report and Screenshots of HTTP/s Based Ports on the Network
Reviewed by Zion3R
6:15 PM
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