Kunai - Pwning & Info Gathering via User Browser
Sometimes there is a need to obtain ip address of specific person or
perform client-side attacks via user browser. This is what you need in
such situations.
Kunai is a simple script which collects many informations about a
visitor and saves output to file; furthermore, you may try to perform
attacks on user browser, using beef or metasploit.
In order to grab as many informations as possible, script detects
whenever javascript is enabled to obtain more details about a visitor.
For example, you can include this script in iframe, or perform
redirects, to avoid detection of suspicious activities. Script can
notify you via email about user that visit your script. Whenever someone
will visit your hook (kunai), output fille will be updated.
- Stores informations about users in elegant output
- Website spoofing
- Redirects
- BeEF & Metasploit compatibility
- Email notification
- Diffrent reaction for javascript disabled browser
- One file composition
- Website spoofing (more stable & better for autopwn & beef):
- Redirect (better for quick ip catching):
goo.gl/urlink -> evilhost/x.php -> site.com/kitty.png
- Cross Site Scripting (inclusion)
Kunai - Pwning & Info Gathering via User Browser
Reviewed by Zion3R
11:13 AM