3vilTwinAttacker - Create Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point and Snooping on the Traffic
This tool create an rogue Wi-Fi access point , purporting to provide wireless Internet services, but snooping on the traffic.
Software dependencies:
- Recommended to use Kali linux.
- Ettercap.
- Sslstrip.
- Airbase-ng include in aircrack-ng.
- Nmap.
Install DHCP in Debian-based
$ sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server
Kali linux
$ echo "deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian wheezy main " >> /etc/apt/sources.list
$ apt-get update && apt-get install isc-dhcp-server
Install DHCP in redhat-based
$ sudo yum install dhcp
Tools Options:
Etter.dns: Edit etter.dns to loading module dns spoof.
Dns Spoof: Start dns spoof attack in interface ath0 fake AP.
Ettercap: Start ettercap attack in host connected AP fake Capturing login credentials.
Sslstrip: The sslstrip listen the traffic on port 10000.
Driftnet: The driftnet sniffs and decodes any JPEG TCP sessions, then displays in an window.
Deauth Attack: kill all devices connected in AP
(wireless network) or the attacker can Also put the Mac-address in the
Client field, Then only one client disconnects the access point.
Probe Request: Probe request capture the clients
trying to connect to AP,Probe requests can be sent by anyone with a
legitimate Media Access Control (MAC) address, as association to the
network is not required at this stage.
Mac Changer: you can now easily spoof the MAC address. With a few clicks, users will be able to change their MAC addresses.
Device FingerPrint: list devices connected the network mini fingerprint, is information collected about a local computing device.
Video Demo
3vilTwinAttacker - Create Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point and Snooping on the Traffic
Reviewed by Zion3R
6:33 PM