The LaZagne Project - Recover most common software passwords (Firefox, IE, Opera, Chrome, Filezilla, winscp, coreFTP, WiFi and many more)
The LaZagne project is an open source application used to retrieve lots of passwords
stored on a local computer.
Each software stores its passwords using different technics (plaintext,
using api, custom algorithms, etc.). This tool has been developped to
find these passwords for most common softwares.
At this moment, it supports 22 softwares on windows and 12 on a linux
Launch all modules
- cmd: laZagne.exe all
Launch only a specific module
- cmd: laZagne.exe
- example: laZagne.exe browsers
- help: laZagne.exe -h
Launch only a specific software script
- cmd: laZagne.exe
- example: laZagne.exe browsers -f
- help: laZagne.exe browsers -h
Write all passwords found into a file (-w options)
- cmd: laZagne.exe all -w
Supported softwares
Windows (tested on Windows XP, 7 and 8 - 32 and 64 bits)
- firefox
- chrome
- opera
- ie
- skype
- pidgin
- jitsi
- thunderbird
- outlook
- filezilla
- puttycm
- winscp
- cyberduck
- coreFTP
- FTPNavigator
- sqldeveloper
- squirrel
- dbvisualizer
- tortoise
- Wireless Network Password (Windows mechanism)
windows credentials
- Domain visible network (.Net Passport)
- Generic network credentials
- firefox
- opera
- pidgin
- jitsi
- thunderbird
- filezilla
- environment variables
- sqldeveloper
- squirrel
- dbvisualizer
- network manager
- gnome keyring
IE Browser history
Internet Explorer passwords (from ie7 and before windows 8) can only
be decrypted using the URL of the website. This one is used as an
argument of the Win32CryptUnprotectData api. So to decrypt it, it is
necessary to retreive the browser history of ie.
To do that, I have used C code. So I used a dll (the code is on on the
"browser_history_dll" directory) and it is directly embedded to the
python code as a base64 string (c.f. Once launched, the dll is
written to the disk, a wrapper is used to call dll functions and then
the dll file is removed from the disk.
Build your own password recovery script
It is possible to write your own script for the software of your choice.
To do that, some syntax requirements are needed:
- Create a class using the name of the software
- This class has to have a function called "retrieve_password" (it will be the main function)
- The output containing all passwords has to be send to the "print_output" function - ex: print_output(, password_list)
- password_list has to be an array of dictionnaries.
- Optional: you could use the function "print_debug" to print your output
- ex: print_debug("ERROR", "Failed to load ...")
- Use an existing script to understand what I have said :)
If you want to improve this tool, you could send me your script and
it will be added to this project (authors will be of course credited on
each script ;)).
To compile the source code, some external library are required.
For Windows
Wconio (for the color)
Python for Windows Extensions
Wconio (for the color)
- For Linux
- None
The LaZagne Project - Recover most common software passwords (Firefox, IE, Opera, Chrome, Filezilla, winscp, coreFTP, WiFi and many more)
Reviewed by Zion3R
2:26 AM