Tor Browser v3.6 - Anonymity Online and defend yourself against network surveillance and traffic analysis
The Tor Browser Bundle lets you use Tor on
Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux without needing to install any software. It
can run off a USB flash drive, comes with a pre-configured web browser
to protect your anonymity, and is self-contained.
Changelog v3.6
Here is the complete changelog since TBB 3.5.4:
- All Platforms
- Update Firefox to 24.5.0esr
- Include Pluggable Transports by default:
- Obfsproxy3 0.2.4, Flashproxy 1.6, and FTE 0.2.13 are now included
- Bug 11586: Include license files for component software in Docs directory.
- Bug 9010: Add Turkish language support.
- Bug 9387 testing: Disable JS JIT, type inference, asmjs, and ion.
- Update NoScript to
- Update Tor Launcher to
- Bug 9665: Localize Tor’s unreachable bridges bootstrap error
- Bug 10418: Provide UI configuration for Pluggable Transports
- Bug 10604: Allow Tor status & error messages to be translated
- Bug 10894: Make bridge UI clear that helpdesk is a last resort for bridges
- Bug 10610: Clarify wizard UI text describing obstacles/blocking
- Bug 11074: Support Tails use case (XULRunner and optional customizations)
- Bug 11482: Hide bridge settings prompt if no default bridges.
- Bug 11484: Show help button even if no default bridges.
- Update Torbutton to
- Bug 11242: Fix improper “update needed” message after in-place upgrade.
- Bug 10398: Ease translation of about:tor page elements
- Bug 9901: Fix browser freeze due to content type sniffing
- Bug 10611: Add Swedish (sv) to extra locales to update
- Bug 7439: Improve download warning dialog text.
- Bug 11384: Completely remove hidden toggle menu item.
- Backport Pending Tor Patches:
- Bug 9665: Report a bootstrap error if all bridges are unreachable
- Bug 11200: Prevent spurious error message prior to enabling network.
- Bug 5018: Don’t launch Pluggable Transport helpers if not in use
- Bug 9229: Eliminate 60 second stall during bootstrap with some PTs
- Bug 11069: Detect and report Pluggable Transport bootstrap failures
- Bug 11156: Prevent spurious warning about missing pluggable transports
- Mac:
- Linux:
- Windows:
- Bug 9308: Prevent install path from leaking in some JS exceptions on Mac and Windows
Here is the changelog since the 3.6-beta-2:
- All Platforms
- Update Firefox to 24.5.0esr
- Update Tor Launcher to
- Update Torbutton to
- Update NoScript to
- Update fte transport to 0.2.13
- Backport Pending Tor Patches:
- Bug 11156: Additional obfsproxy startup error message fixes
- Bug 11586: Include license files for component software in Docs directory.
- Windows and Mac:
- Bug 9308: Prevent install path from leaking in some JS exceptions on Mac and Windows builds
Tor Browser v3.6 - Anonymity Online and defend yourself against network surveillance and traffic analysis
Reviewed by Zion3R
9:50 PM