[AIEngine] Artificial Inteligent Engine

AIEngine is a packet inspection engine with capabilities of learning without any human intervention.

AIEngine helps network/security profesionals to identify traffic and develop signatures for use them on NIDS, Firewalls, Traffic classifiers and so on.

Using AIEngine

To use AIEngine just execute the binary aiengine:
luis@luis-xps:~/c++/aiengine/src$ ./aiengine -h
iaengine 0.2
Mandatory arguments:
  -I [ --interface ] arg            Sets the network interface.
  -P [ --pcapfile ] arg             Sets the pcap file or directory with pcap 

Link Layer optional arguments:
  -q [ --tag ] arg      Selects the tag type of the ethernet layer (vlan,mpls).

TCP optional arguments:
  -t [ --tcp-flows ] arg (=32768) Sets the number of TCP flows on the pool.

UDP optional arguments:
  -u [ --udp-flows ] arg (=16384) Sets the number of UDP flows on the pool.

Regex optional arguments:
  -R [ --enable-signatures ]     Enables the Signature engine.
  -r [ --regex ] arg (=.*)       Sets the regex for evaluate agains the flows.
  -c [ --flow-class ] arg (=all) Uses tcp, udp or all for matches the signature
                 on the flows.

Frequencies optional arguments:
  -F [ --enable-frequencies ]       Enables the Frequency engine.
  -g [ --group-by ] arg (=dst-port) Groups frequencies by src-ip,dst-ip,src-por
                    t and dst-port.
  -f [ --flow-type ] arg (=tcp)     Uses tcp or udp flows.
  -L [ --enable-learner ]           Enables the Learner engine.
  -k [ --key-learner ] arg (=80)    Sets the key for the Learner engine.

Optional arguments:
  -k [ --stack ] arg (=lan)    Sets the network stack (lan,mobile,lan6).
  -d [ --dumpflows ]           Dump the flows to stdout.
  -s [ --statistics ] arg (=0) Show statistics of the network stack (5 levels).
  -p [ --pstatistics ]         Show statistics of the process.
  -h [ --help ]                Show help.
  -v [ --version ]             Show version string.

[AIEngine] Artificial Inteligent Engine [AIEngine] Artificial Inteligent Engine Reviewed by Zion3R on 9:39 PM Rating: 5