[SpiderFoot v2.0] The Open Source Footprinting tool

SpiderFoot is a free, open-source footprinting tool, enabling you to perform various scans against a given domain name in order to obtain information such as sub-domains, e-mail addresses, owned netblocks, web server versions and so on. The main objective of SpiderFoot is to automate the footprinting process to the greatest extent possible, freeing up a penetration tester’s time to focus their efforts on the security testing itself.

Main features
  • Fast, Easy to Use
  • Highly Configurable
  • For Windows & Linux
  • Create your own modules in Python
New in this release, which is actually a complete re-write of the version from 2005(!):
  • Now runs on Windows as well as Linux, Solaris, *BSD (basically anything with Python should be fine)
  • Scans are even more configurable than before
  • All scan data stored locally in an SQLite database for querying, reporting and analysis
  • Many more scans/tests included (GeoIP, URL linkage, web technology, port scans…)
  • You can now easily extend functionality by writing your own modules in Python
  • Completely new user interface, which is now entirely web-based
  • Configuration state is stored between runs
  • Scanning can be remotely controlled

Full Changelog: here
More Information: http://www.spiderfoot.net/

[SpiderFoot v2.0] The Open Source Footprinting tool [SpiderFoot v2.0] The Open Source Footprinting tool Reviewed by Zion3R on 12:29 AM Rating: 5