[Ghost Phisher] GUI suite for phishing and penetration attacks

Ghost Phisher is a Wireless and Ethernet security auditing and attack software program written using the Python Programming Language and the Python Qt GUI library, the program is able to emulate access points and deploy various internal networking servers for networking, penetration testing and phishing attacks.

Operating System Supported

The Software runs on any Linux machine with the programs prerequisites, But the program has been tested on the following Linux based operating systems:


The Program requires the following to run properly:
The following dependencies can be installed using the Debian package installer command on Debian based systems using "apt-get install program" or otherwise downloaded and installed manually


Ghost Phisher currently supports the following features:

  • HTTP Server
  • Inbuilt RFC 1035 DNS Server
  • Inbuilt RFC 2131 DHCP Server
  • Webpage Hosting and Credential Logger (Phishing)
  • Wifi Access point Emulator
  • Session Hijacking (Passive and Ethernet Modes)
  • ARP Cache Poisoning (MITM and DOS Attacks)
  • Penetration using Metasploit Bindings
  • Automatic credential logging using SQlite Database
  • Update Support


Installation on Debian Package supported systems:

root@host:~# dpkg -i ghost-phisher_1.5_all.deb

The source code for the program can be fetched using the following command on terminal

root@host:~# svn checkout http://ghost-phisher.googlecode.com/svn/Ghost-Phisher/

[Ghost Phisher] GUI suite for phishing and penetration attacks [Ghost Phisher] GUI suite for phishing and penetration attacks Reviewed by Zion3R on 10:37 AM Rating: 5